Even Newer LRL schedule page!

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Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Paul » 24 Apr 2015, 08:54

Hey Everyone,

I have just rolled out an update to the LRL schedule page. The main thing desktop users should notice is that the schedule now highlights the current day and puts the it on the left so as to show a maximum amount of the upcoming schedule. You can also now drag the schedule or use the forward and back arrows to scroll by 7 day increments.

That is all mostly secondary to the update to the LRR Mobile site, which now has a mobile version of the Live schedule page! The new page is under the lightening bolt in the navbar (it is really hard to find an icon to describe "live streaming" :wink: ), will show the same information as the desktop schedule page and allow you to scroll through the upcoming schedule. It should also adjust to show more or less days depending on the width/orientation of your device. As a reminder, if you go to LRR on your mobile device, you should see a "Switch to Mobile Version" banner at the top of the page.

You may have to refresh your browser to see the updates.

As always, please let me know if you have any comments or experience any issues. If you are reporting a bug, please tell me your OS and your browser version.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Master Gunner » 24 Apr 2015, 09:03


Do have one bug, though.
Device: Samsung Galaxy 4
OS: Android 4.4.2
Browser: Chrome
Description: In mobile view, when on the "Forum" tab, the "Desktop View" button gets pushed to a second row on the bottom bar.
Doesn't appear to happen on my other phone (HTC One V/Android 4.0.3/Android Browser) or in desktop Firefox or Chrome though.
TheRocket wrote:Apparently the crotch area could not contain the badonkadonk area.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Paul » 24 Apr 2015, 09:27

Master Gunner wrote:Snazzy.
Do have one bug, though.
Device: Samsung Galaxy 4
OS: Android 4.4.2
Browser: Chrome
Description: In mobile view, when on the "Forum" tab, the "Desktop View" button gets pushed to a second row on the bottom bar.
Doesn't appear to happen on my other phone (HTC One V/Android 4.0.3/Android Browser) or in desktop Firefox or Chrome though.

It might be a caching thing as the css for the navbar has changed, try clearing your cache and refreshing.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby My pseudonym is Ix » 24 Apr 2015, 09:47

I'm having trouble viewing the page as intended (PC, Windows 7, Firefox)- the heading text used for the hour numberings, days and show names etc. has defaulted to Times New Roman and the arrows to change between weeks aren't showing up. A couple of Ctrl-F5s and clearing the cache have so far failed to help

EDIT: Now fixed
Last edited by My pseudonym is Ix on 25 Apr 2015, 09:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Jamfalcon » 24 Apr 2015, 10:06

I had the same issue as Gunner, but a refresh cleared it up. Looking good! The new mobile schedule page seems super useful too, and works well for me... the scrolling side to side is a little laggy, but my phone is super cheap and poopy, so that's probably the cause. :P

By the way, what about a controller of some sort as a symbol? It doesn't quite apply to Checkpoint, I guess, but even that is gaming related.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Master Gunner » 24 Apr 2015, 10:18

Finally found where the option to clear the cache on my phone is, and yeah, works perfectly now.
TheRocket wrote:Apparently the crotch area could not contain the badonkadonk area.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby tmacphail » 24 Apr 2015, 17:46


Two pieces of constructive criticism... The diagonal slashes for the empty cells create a moiré-like pattern that fluctuates as you scroll left to right. And intuitively as a calendar (for me at least) it made more sense for the initial load of the page to always be positioned with the view showing a normal week going from Monday to Sunday instead of positioning today as the second column.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Master Gunner » 24 Apr 2015, 18:21

There appears to be a minor CSS issue (Win8.1/Chrome) when a show goes past the normal day-break line (Cameron's last show): http://i.imgur.com/vgJkBgh.png
TheRocket wrote:Apparently the crotch area could not contain the badonkadonk area.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby AdmiralMemo » 24 Apr 2015, 20:24

Chrome on Linux bug: When you scroll via the arrows, the show names on the calendar itself disappear. They reappear when you scroll via the cursor.

Other than that, good improvements! *thumbs up*
Graham wrote:The point is: Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I'm an old man.
LRRcast wrote:Paul: That does not answer that question at all.
James: Who cares about that question? That's a good answer.

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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Paul » 25 Apr 2015, 08:46

tmacphail wrote:Fancy.

Two pieces of constructive criticism... The diagonal slashes for the empty cells create a moiré-like pattern that fluctuates as you scroll left to right. And intuitively as a calendar (for me at least) it made more sense for the initial load of the page to always be positioned with the view showing a normal week going from Monday to Sunday instead of positioning today as the second column.

The moiré on the diagonal lines is something I have noticed as well, I might look into making the column background a solid colour.

I went back and forth on displaying Mon-Sun vs current day aways being on the left. For the mobile view, it is an easy choice because of the lack of space to show the whole week, but on desktop there are advantages and disadvantages to both configurations. Changing where the days fall could be confusing, but allows you to see more of the upcoming schedule at a glance. Always displaying Mon-Sun is easier to quickly understand, but if you look at it on Sunday, it basically provides no information until you scroll.

Does anyone else have an opinion on how the schedule should appear on initial page load?
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby AdmiralMemo » 25 Apr 2015, 10:37

I say Sunday to Saturday on initial page load, more like a regular calendar. Maybe a "jump to today" link or button to see more of the upcoming schedule?
Graham wrote:The point is: Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I'm an old man.
LRRcast wrote:Paul: That does not answer that question at all.
James: Who cares about that question? That's a good answer.

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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby NebulosDisconcertion » 05 Oct 2016, 10:19

The time zone defaults to GMT-7, when I'm in GMT-8. If I change it and refresh the page, it goes back to -7 again.
Firefox 49.0.1 and Edge 38.14393.0.0 on Windows 10
Chrome 33.0.1750.517 and 'default Android browser' version something on Android 4.4.2 on a Galaxy S4 mini.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Paul » 05 Oct 2016, 12:03

@NebulosDisconcertion I believe that is working as intended to account for Daylight Savings. Are the default GMT-7 times correct for when the streams happen? If you are at GMT-8, you would be at GMT-7 during daylight savings.

I might tweak the display to show the "true" timezone with a DST flag instead of showing the adjusted timezone. It won't change the schedule display, but maybe it would make it more clear for users (you aren't the first that has had this problem)
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby NebulosDisconcertion » 06 Oct 2016, 09:15

... Curse you DST!
Yes, the display is actually correct.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Sobid » 10 Mar 2017, 21:08

I hit an issue with times not showing on the live schedule page. I'm on Windows 7 using Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87

This exception is in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_trueStart' of undefined
at Twix.overlaps (twix.min.js:1)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (stream.js:165)
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3)
at HTMLDivElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js:3)
at Object.trigger (jquery.min.js:3)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js:4)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js:3)
at init.each (jquery.min.js:3)
at init.trigger (jquery.min.js:4)
at e.trigger (owl.carousel.min.js:1)

The exception happens during this loop in function carousel in stream.js

In the shows array, in the show with name: "Mine O'Clock", the dates array has 0 length. I can't tell why the dates array for just that show is empty. Here's what I see looking at that show and a couple others in the shows array:

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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Nimbalo » 12 Mar 2017, 09:30

I dug into the schedule page issue a little further and found a stupid simple fix. Line 63 of stream.js needs to be changed from

Code: Select all

var rest = moment.twix(day_display.restStart,day_display.restEnd);


Code: Select all

var rest = moment.twix(day_display.restStart,day_display.restEnd, true);

Due to the time change this morning the internal variable server_tz has changed from -25200 to -28800. This change is apparently enough to prevent the issue from appearing. I wrote a small test function that changes this variable back and makes reproducing the issue pretty easy.

Code: Select all

/* to trigger the bug use:
   startTime = 1489593600 (there are a lot of other times that will trigger the bug, but this is the one that is defined for Mine O'Clock)
   timezone between -6 and 6
function scheduleTest(startTime, timezone) {
   server_tz = -28800
   shows = [{ 
      "name": "Test",
      "short_name": "Test",
      "start": startTime,
      "duration": 120,
      "colour": "000000",
   try {
   catch (e) {
      return false
   return true

It seems whenever the start time of a show is between the restStart and restEnd (inclusive) defined in day_display, the call to twix.difference on line 64 of stream.js returns an empty array. This causes split_dates to be empty which in turn causes the shows dates array to be empty. The argument I've suggested adding to line 63 of stream.js seems to be a flag to turn on strict date parsing. I have absolutely no idea why this changes the behavior of twix.difference, but it seemed to fix the issue in my local testing.

In conclusion: It's all James's fault.
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Re: Even Newer LRL schedule page!

Postby Sobid » 15 Mar 2017, 13:42

Thanks for the investigation!

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