TTC 187 - MTG Arena

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TTC 187 - MTG Arena

Postby Graham » 15 Sep 2017, 22:58

MTG Arena was recently announced and you had better believe we have opinions on it. Join James, Graham and Kathleen to hear our hot takes.

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Re: TTC 187 - MTG Arena

Postby OneirosGolem » 16 Sep 2017, 07:50

My major hope for MTG Arena is that the notion of 'bargain bin rares' is preserved in some way. Cards that are largely panned / passed over by the community shouldn't cost the same as the meta-defining rares of Standard, but a lot of TCGs don't pretend to make any distinction between them.

Sometimes while playing Duelyst I would come up with a silly theme deck idea that needs a playset of a few different jank rare units, but I couldn't try it on a whim. I would have to crack enough packs to get the raw dust to craft a meta-defining decklist, and then burn it irreversibly on a gimmick deck. It was frustrating enough to push me to stop playing, because I couldn't tinker with weird deck ideas without burning immense amounts of resources.

The approaches I've thought of so far are: making cards that are less "in demand" (Infrequently crafted, or often disenchanted?) cost somewhat less to make, or just having a market that uses the Crafting & Disenchant prices as ceilings and floors.
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Re: TTC 187 - MTG Arena

Postby goodline » 10 Oct 2018, 08:07

This review is the best.

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