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Loading Time - LoadingReadyRumble 2
Posted: 09 Dec 2015, 18:01
by Graham
Behind the scenes of our Season 11 finale, The LoadingReadyRumble 2.
Re: Loading Time - LoadingReadyRumble 2
Posted: 10 Dec 2015, 01:21
by theycallmejokke
I got to learn about LRR through Unskipperble back in the days and thous haven't seen much of the older stuff so for me it was really cool to get some background on Tim's and Morgan's Characters.
Over all a really interesting Loading Time.
Re: Loading Time - LoadingReadyRumble 2
Posted: 10 Dec 2015, 10:59
by Hobbles105
At the end did cam say..."before I shit everyone's pants?"
It's a real shame that one of the best characters from the last rumble did not return: Matt with his intrepid battle axe of the boar.
Always happy to see fellow Airsofters, even if Alex is a filthy AK casual.

Re: Loading Time - LoadingReadyRumble 2
Posted: 11 Dec 2015, 09:07
by kade_zero
It’s obvious a lot of work went into the making of Rumble 2, and it turned out really well. It's definitely in the top 10 videos LRR has ever made.
Re: Loading Time - LoadingReadyRumble 2
Posted: 13 Dec 2015, 08:27
by Dutch guy
Pro-tip for anyone if you ever need to disentangle another wig. Wash in shampoo then conditioner first (makes the strands of hair slide easier), then brush out with a brush, not a comb.