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What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:29
by theshortone42
So there are diseases out there that might make people think that the zombie apocalypse is upon us. And for those that don't believe in the diseases, there are probably a few people who are trying to figure out a way to create a class 3 or 4 outbreak just for the sake of boredom.

as the boy scouts motto goes: always be prepared.

i know a group of people who have set up an entire plan to use a college library as a base of operations if a breakout were to start in our little college town. the library is stocked with needed supplies and several hiding spots, as well as dozens of different escape routes should the stronghold be compromised.

my old roommate has a more complicated plan that involves stealing cows, bulls, chickens, and roosters, and finding a way to ship them to Mackinac Island and live there. Set up alarms on each beach and always have lookouts posted, especially during the winter.

what would you do in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse? no idea? might i suggest you invest in the Zombie Survival Guide?

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:32
by wedrinkritalin
Run a bath, get a towel, don't panic. Wait for a few days, ride my bike down town, get a boat, stock it with supplies, head to an oil rig

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:34
by theshortone42
holy crap, i forgot about the towel D: i'd never survive without one. and the oil rig is a very good idea too.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:37
by iamafish
grab a cricket bat and try to take as many down with me as possible

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:49
by Cureless_Poison
GTFO the city and head as far away from civilization as possible.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:50
by Master Gunner
Grab my towel, board up the house, and wait out the first few days. After a couple weeks, things should have dispersed myself so I can make it down to the family cottage, grab a boat, and head out. If someone else got to both the boats, than I'll just continue down to the coast, head along until I do find a boat (or one I can fix up), then head out until I find somewhere safe.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:57
by wedrinkritalin
The towel is essential to all plans

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 14:03
by CyberTractor
I live right next to a NASA shuttle launch site. I'd just hitch a ride to the ISS and tough it out there.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 14:55
by Cheeseonfire
My immune system is terrible. So my plan is roughly "urrghh" or something similarly guttural, well once I grab my towel.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 15:38
by theshortone42
i wonder, if we see zombies with towels would that mean that they've failed as survivors? or that survivors used the towel to somehow distract the zombie and make an escape?

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 16:09
by elitewalmartsecurity
CyberTractor wrote:I live right next to a NASA shuttle launch site. I'd just hitch a ride to the ISS and tough it out there.

Unless the reason there are zombies is because the people on the ISS caught it from space.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 16:45
by Dave-O_Boy
My Zombie plan involves me hoping to be the Ernie Fairchild of the zombie horde.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 16:46
by Dutch guy
theshortone42 wrote:i wonder, if we see zombies with towels would that mean that they've failed as survivors? or that survivors used the towel to somehow distract the zombie and make an escape?

In either case its probably a good idea to start running. Zombies with towels are not to be trifled with.

My plans pretty much comprise of: "Get brain eaten". The nearest harbor is on the other side of the country and I don't have a car myself. And public transport is of course also out.
Come to think of it now, I do have access to my gliderclubs Ford Transit van. And since it's a zombie outbreak no-one would care if I don't have a drivers license (And I can drive it okay, no problem)

I'd probably just stock up on as much stuff as I can in the van, make it to the nearest airport and start flying south across europe, down to southern africa. There I score a big ship snow vehicles and a few helicopters with a pilot (Or learn to fly em myself) along with fuel for all vehicles, ship and helicopters. Load that and a few tons of supplies and sail out to Bouvet Island (The most remote Island in the world, no natural ports and steep sheer rock coastal cliffs. Only way in is by helicopter) I would set up camp there and ride it out. Then once the zombie apocalypse is over and they've starved themselves out of food, I'd take my place as ruler of the world :wink:

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 18:42
by Sable
My plan is to braaaaaaaaaaaaaaains

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 19:16
by Dutch guy
Also, just thought of this, anyone who wants to join me on Bouvet is welcome, just make sure to bring enough supplies for yourself and enough reserve for a few years contingency. Also, if Bouvet doesn't work out, Prince Edward Islands to the east. More inhabitable, but closer to land.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 19:33
by TheRocket
I tell only those I wish to save.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 19:58
by Master Gunner
While to far for me, the best bet for Alex and anyone in the Toronto region would be to make it over to the Toronto Islands. As the islands are easily separable from each other and the mainland, they could be easily isolated. As the population is composed of around 262 cottages, you don't have to deal with many zombies on the islands themselves. The closeness to Toronto itself allows raids to be made inland for supplies, and you also have access to the rest of the Great Lakes system, allowing you to trade with other survivors in the region. Not to mention the airport located there, ensuring access to the rest of the world, at least until fuel runs out. Boats from the Toronto harbour can also be secured, and the St. Laurence River gives you access to the ocean, if you can navigate through the Quebecois zombies.

As for nearby islands for me to escape to. PEI would likely be a good place to start. Plenty of food can be grown there, bridge can be dropped to isolate it, and population of around 100 000 means the zombie problem would be manageable. Main source of concern is other survivors.
Other options for me would be the Magdalen Islands, out further than PEI (and part of Quebec), they're smaller, but less well-known, population of around 12 000, and give fairly easy access to the rest of Canada's East Coast, but aren't at risk of being attacked easily.
Newfoundland (excluding Labrador), along with St. Pierre et Miquellon, would also all be good places do to isolation, low population, and access to supplies and food production.
Sable Island is also a good possibility (5 permanent residents, over 300 horses though), again for the above criteria.

All in all, I think Sable Island would be my best bet. It is in the range of small boats, but at 160km for the nearest landfall, people won't stumble across it accidentally. Violent storms and fog in the area means most people would be dissuaded by coming there (over 350 recorded shipwrecks in the area), however it's still close enough to land for me to keep up with what's going on in the world.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 20:42
by Alja-Markir
It's all so laughable, the number of times I've heard people discussing their plans for the zombie apocalypse, and then the reality of the 2045 k-strain and the war.

Myself, I find refuge in time, as always. There is no attrocity one cannot survive by simply not existing within the same timeframe as it.


Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 21:11
by elitewalmartsecurity
I'm not sure how viable Hawaii is going to be, but it's a hell of a lot better than Arizona. I'd probably have to go to New Mexico or something, since California's out of the question. Mainly I'd try to hold up here, you know, create a fortified area, get lots of ammo and food, start growing some food, and analyze the surrounding areas for MORE things to get my hands on. Like lighter fluid, gas canisters, or communications devices. Set to either channel 666 or 001. Probably 001. The risk of non-communication isn't worth the inside joke value. I'm thinking my zombie adventure will consist more of a "SimZombieFort" than a "Dead Rising" kind of thing.
Also, again, we'd always need more information.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 21:46
by gcninja
Go into the grand canyon, find whole in side of cliff, climb, unpack all supplies, food, water, ammo, swords, and rope. Lower rope, hunt, climb up with all possible meat. Pull up rope, cook and live. no possible way for them to get to me either. good to go, river at the bottom and animal life all around.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 07 May 2009, 23:17
by theshortone42
considering that i'm waaaay too far out from the coast, if i ever get separated from my survival group, then i'm either screwed, or i'm going to end up taking up residence in a Cosco...although i'll probably be fine so long as i keep my towel with me...

or, according to my boy, i'm going to magically transport myself to Vancouver and hide behind Bill....o.O; do you explain that one "ohaiimafanfromthestatesandcametoseeifyoucanhelpmesurvivezombiescauseyoucan killthemaseasilyasninjas...even though you have no idea who i am >.>"

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 08 May 2009, 01:51
by Rosco-128
I'd stock up on food make my way to my grandpa's house, which is in a fairly remote outback town. There I'd stock up on guns and ammo (and maybe some non-infected relatives who can actually shoot) and head out into the outback. I figure the zombies aren't going to be able to survive too long in the heat without water or food.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 08 May 2009, 01:53
by Lyinginbedmon
Well, my initial plan was to board up my house with the interior doors and furniture (Save some key doors for privacy and security, conveniently like the one for my bedroom which has a lock and security camera) and breaking through to the corner store next door after the power goes out (Disabling the alarm system).

Unfortunately they closed down after becoming a liquor-only store, so...

Break on through to the other side, which is a series of houses containing friendly old people, I guess.

Long term, I intend to block off the street using cars (Appropriately drained of fuel) to build barricades, thus securing and gaining access to the whole street. That'll take quite a bit of manpower to do quickly and efficiently, so there'll be some survivor-saving going on.

I estimate that there's more than enough such vehicles to block off most of the city streets, so my basic plan there for the seriously long-term is to keep expanding the barricades, giving more space for projects like food and shelter, eventually regenerating civilisation from it's own ruins.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 08 May 2009, 08:52
by empath
Back in the old days (around the time of the FIRST 'Night of the Living Dead') I had the 'fuckit' plan of strapping on a vest of TNT with a dead-man switch and lure in as many slack-jaws as I could before blowing us all to smithereens.

Three-stroke plan: act as a diversion for other survivors, eliminate as many threats as I can at once, and relieve myself of this burdensome onus to survive. :roll:

Now that I've found someone I care for more than myself, I have a revised plan; fend off first incursions and pack the car for a jaunt down to Marystown.

Newfoundland (especially Gander & St. John's) is NOT defensible since infections will probably be spread here before outbreak due to air travel.

Once we've reached the southern port-town, we'll commendeer a Cape Islander, and putt-putt down to St. Pierre et Miquelon; more defensible. If they're not welcoming, we may join you at Sable Island, Mst.Gun. :)

(Oh, PEI's not much safer unless you take out the Confederation Bridge)

Sit it out (because that was a really profound point made in 28 Days Later - zombies can't farm) and then come back to clean up.

Re: What's YOUR Zombie Plan?

Posted: 08 May 2009, 10:59
by theshortone42
Rosco-128 wrote: I figure the zombies aren't going to be able to survive too long in the heat without water or food.

that depends on the kind of zombie. if it's a Rage Zombie (i.e. 28 Days Later) then yeah, it won't survive for very long because rage zombies aren't actually dead.

but if it's a rotter, then it has no need for sustenance and can continue on regardless of the heat and usual deprivation that a normal person would soon die from. at least, according to the guide rotters have no need for food or water, can survive under water, and can survive through intense heat or cold (although they can freeze in intense cold, which leads to different generations of zombies). also according to the guide, zombies infected with the "Solanum Virus" (rotters) can survive for years because apparently the virus stalls rigormortis as well as decay, making a zombie last for 11+ years >.>

on the plus side,the Red Team also has their own zombie plans