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Crapshot idea/script: The Pet

Posted: 07 May 2018, 12:31
by Garwulf
INT lounge. Person 1 comes across Person 2, who is looking very sad.

Person 1: What happened?

Person 2: My pet rabbit died.

Person 1: I'm so sorry.

Person 2: I raised it from when it was a hamster.

Person 2 leaves as Person 1 blinks in confusion. Person 3 enters and looks at Person 1.

Person 3: What's up with you?

Person 1: [Person 2's character name] has some really strange ideas about biology.

Person 3: Oh?

Person 1: He thinks that rabbits start off as hamsters.

Person 3: That IS weird.

Person 1: Besides, everybody knows they start off as gerbils!

Person 1 leaves as Person 3 blinks in confusion.

Person 3: Wait, WHAT?!