Sometimes life throws a problem at you that's too big for you to solve yourself. Sometimes it's a great idea to get a friend to help you with your problem. Sometimes.
Writing: loadingreadyrun
Shooting: Graham Stark, paul saunders, raymond steacy
Appearing: graham stark, paul saunders, kathleen de vere, matt wiggins, james turner, jeremy petter, morgan vanhumbeck, bill watt, alex steacy, wil wheaton
Editing: Graham Stark
Thanks: wil wheaton, Tom @ Kabuki Kabs

commodoreHUSTLE is a sitcom starring the LRR crew in the roles they were born to play: themselves. It follows the trials of being an internet comedy troupe and whatever other bizarre challenges they face in their daily lives as C-list internet celebrities.

Beej's Bins || commodoreHUSTLE
Standard problems require Beej solutions. Support LRR: Merch:[…]