You won’t believe what this woman did to make doctors hate her…
June 16th, 2014

Posted by Kathleen

Happy Monday!

Unless you live sealed inside a hermetic shell (and if so, lucky you!) you have probably noticed pretty much everyone in the world talking about football! Real football. The one with the ball you kick with your foot. But with Snorsh just missing qualification again, it can be hard to take an interest. That’s why we’ve thoughtfully provided you with some videos to watch!

This week’s LoadingReadyRun video finally shines a light on the terrible tale we’ve seen repeated across the internet for months now. Doctors Hate Her — what can she do?

Screen Shot 2014-06-16 at 9.31.25 AM

It’s also the week after E3, and that means as the journalists sleep off a tiring week of games, junkets and alcohol Graham and Paul bring you the only summary you need – the E3 Trailers episode of Unskippable.

And finally, are you watching the new season of Crapshots? The Mailroom shows you a special behind the scenes look at how we ship our merchandise!*

*Not really, just how we ship WiiPlay shirts.



  1. I missed the mouse over captions. Yay they’re back.

    Comment by Merrymaker_Mortalis — June 16, 2014 @ 5:13 pm

  2. I enjoyed that comment all the more knowing that somewhere a fan just realized there have been mouse over captions, and started rereading all the blog posts…

    Comment by Ryan G — June 17, 2014 @ 1:13 am

  3. OMG theres mouse over captions?!?!?! !

    Comment by thomas wrobel — June 23, 2014 @ 6:19 pm

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