January 25th, 2011

Posted by Matt

This week’s video is up and it’s brought to you by Jack Plank’s Pork Fried Butt Steak! Watch it NOW!

This week’s video is a pretty straightforward parody of Spike TV. It is my understanding that many of our international viewers have not witnessed the atrocity that is Spike TV. Rest assured, this video is far more entertaining. Once Upon a time, Spike was a one-stop shop for programming blocks of Star Trek: The Next Generation and CSI (this was ’round about the time everyone loved CSI). Sadly, this is no longer the case. It’s now a one stop shop for shows like ‘1000 ways to die’, ‘Manswers’ and terrible off-brand wrestling programs. Yeah.

Unskippable this week was Fist of the North Star, so go watch it, and prepare to be hit with a Hokuto Shinken of hilarity.

And don’t forget – there’s only a couple of days left to order a Creepy Doll shirt. Don’t miss out!
