Man Cooking: Meatshroom
February 22nd, 2010

Posted by Matt

Practice your grunts and hide your women, today marks the return of MAN COOKING. HAA! Morgan’s manly meatshoom is here to assault your senses like a roundhouse kick to the tongue, and his creation has been endowed with such aromatic virility a mere whiff of it will leave your virgin taste-buds pregnant with flavour. This meal brought Chuck Norris to tears – lesser men, be warned. Click the link, if you dare…

Man Cooking: Meatshroom

It that wasn’t enough of a culinary ass-kicking for you, (or if you’re new to the site, and want to see more) take a look back at The Previous Man Cooking Episodes:

Man Cooking
Man Cooking 2
Man Cooking 3: Alex Edition
The Gigantor
Swiss Meat Roll

If you survived those videos, join a unit of elite lumberjack commandos and beat up a grizzly bear*. You’re a REAL man.

*LoadingReadyRun takes no responsibility for injuries incurred during bare-hands altercations with ursine combatants.