In the last grasps of winter only one thing will keep us warm... your[…]
The crew came back from MagicCon Chicago with 20+ packs of Magic cards[…]
The new Commander matchmaking system is here (in Beta) and it's called[…]
Wheeler is joined by Shivam Bhatt and MagicNewGirl for a round of[…]
Magic gadabout Shivam Bhatt joins us to talk about the plane of[…]
Today on TapTapConcede Kathleen, Ben, and Cameron take a look at some[…]
How well do Graham and Cameron know Magic’s eldest format? Let’s[…]
This week on TapTapConcede Graham, Nelson, and Cameron take a look at[…]
We have arrived in 2025, and there is a LOT on the docket for Magic[…]
Description 2024 was a busy year for Magic: The Gathering. What better[…]
2024 was a busy year for Magic: The Gathering. What better way to look[…]
This week on TapTapConcede Graham, Wheeler, and Cameron discuss Pioneer[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron dig into the MASSIVE stockpile that is[…]
This week on TapTapConcede Graham, Nelson & Kathleen sit down to[…]
Graham, Wheeler, and Cameron discuss first impressions of Foundations,[…]
Graham, Nelson, and Cameron touch on Secret Lair, Commander Panel,[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron are here to talk about the greatest[…]
We asked for your questions, and now Graham, Wheeler, and Nelson are[…]
On this week's episode of TTC Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron continue[…]
Graham sits down with Wheeler and Ben on this weeks episode of TTC to[…]
Wheeler and Nelson sit down to chat about their initial impressions of[…]
Kathleen welcomes Sean McGuire to the podcast this week to talk about[…]
We’ve been off for two weeks, and it turns out there’s a whole new[…]
It's that rare time of the year when there's no new Magic: The[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron (with the voice of James) sit down to[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron discuss the Secret Lair disappointment[…]
Sit around the adorable little campfire for mice everyone, this week on[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron sit down on this weeks episode of TTC to[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron sit down to chat about their time at[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Kathleen talk about some Secret Lairs (not[…]