Imagine If You Will
July 25th, 2011

Posted by Matt

Imagine, if you will… that our new video is up. Now stop imagining, because it actually is. Here.

So where did this video come from? Well, Graham explains:

I wanted to write a video about what “the next big thing” will be once vampires aren’t cool anymore, but the tricky part was finding something ridiculous enough. I really wanted Davis (my unnamed character) to get super annoyed, so it had to to be really silly. As a result, Cthulhu!

We went to the “elder god well” once already this season with Discount Deities, but I felt this was different enough that both videos could exist so close by in our chronology. Don’t expect another any time soon though!

When I was writing, I was originally going to have Gills (Paul’s character) pitch the Siren seriously as a suggestion, and then a third silly suggestion (comedy comes in threes, you see). But, as I was writing I thought it’d be much better for Gills to be really trying to make this Cthulhu thing stick, hence him using the Siren to “make Cthulhu look good”.

Once I was done the draft, Kathleen came in to add, what I felt was, some much-needed punch here and there.

In videos we co-write, people often throw out the phrase, “That was totally a Kathleen line!” when it wasn’t. It was just a really silly, often awful, line that sounds like something she would write. For reference, the pedophilia line? Mine. The guy-sexing-a-pie line? Kathleen’s. The “no it was just a guy sexing a pie”? Me again.
That, my friends, is teamwork.

Unskippable’s game of choice this week was an unspeakable horror… You can find it here.

Also Checkpoint is up over at PATV. Please watch in order to help to save 3DS. Or something.

Additionally, please note the announcemnt post for the PSN Featured Game. We’ll be playing the PS3 version of Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 on Saturday from 4-6 (Pacific), and we’d love for you all to join us!

Finally, there are but a few days left in the pre-order period for the Lasers of Understanding tee-shirts! We’ve not quite met our minimum quota for the production of a run of these shirts yet, but we’d really like to see them happen, and we’re nearly there. If you’re waiting on buying one of these, don’t let the opportunity pass you by.

This meeting is over.

July 18th, 2011

Posted by Matt

This is a thing we recorded and put on the internet.

This week’s video was shot only days ago, up at the University of Victoria. Filming was a bit of an adventure, because the script only really came together in it’s finalized version earlier that morning. Graham had some thoughts to share on the writing process for this one, so I’ve posted them below:

A long while ago we thought it’d be cool to shoot a video entirely from the perspective of security cameras, but for the life of us we couldn’t figure out what. It was a cool visual concept, but we never really had a script that made sense in that context.

Fast-forward many moons, probably more than a year: I was thinking again about that concept and realized that a video about video cameras made perfect sense!

I wrote the great bulk of the video, but I wasn’t happy with the ending, and there was a problem with thematic flow around the three-quarters mark. Paul, Kathleen, Jeremy, James, Matt and I sat down for about 20 minutes prior to shooting and hashed it out, everyone throwing in ideas. Not only did this make the video much better, but I love writing as a group, and I don’t think we do it often enough.

Actually shooting it was another crazy matter involving iPhone mics and tripods on desks, but we’ll get into all that in an upcoming LRRcast. Hope you enjoy the video!

Unskippable this week was Dark Void. You can find the episode here.

And the new Checkpoint, “Plants vs. EA” s viewable on PATV.

Finally, please remember that there are now two weeks left in our Lasers of Understanding tee-shirt pre-order period!


Open Call: 24 Hours of Voting Remain
August 16th, 2010

Posted by Jeremy

Just a friendly reminder that there’s just under 24 hours remaining to vote for your favorite among the three finalists for our T-shirt open design competition. As far as I’m concerned all the horses are still in this race, and your vote could make a difference.

Even though we’ve been super-busy at Anime Evolution all weekend, our goal is to start the pre-order as soon as possible after the polls close, so stay tuned for some exciting merch news in the very near future :).

Let the best shirt win!

Which do you think should be the next LRR T-Shirt Pre-Order

  • Starburst (42%, 587 Votes)
  • Rocket (31%, 436 Votes)
  • Die (26%, 367 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,390

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Open Call: Design a T-Shirt – Final Day
August 3rd, 2010

Posted by Jeremy

This is just a quick reminder that you have a little over 12 hours left to get your designs in for LoadingReadyRun’s first ever T-shirt design open call. Whether you’ve been working tirelessly on the design, or this is just the first you’ve heard of it,  now is the time to pull the trigger and get the chance to have your design worn by LoadingreadyRun fans. Full details here. Best of luck to all entrants!

Operation: Speak ‘n’ Sell Results
June 19th, 2010

Posted by Tim

Congratulations to Mike Shay for submitting the winning entry to Operation: Speak ‘n’ Sell! We judged his voiceover for the t-shirt ad to be the most effective. As a prize, he has won his choice of a Desert Bus, WiiPlay, or Talk Like A Pirate t-shirt.

Special thanks to Evil Jim, Sean Quigley, and Thomas McNulty for their Runners Up entries.

The entries, on the whole, were excellent. Thank you to everyone who participated!