Graham, Nelson, and Cameron talk about the million dollar Mythic[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson talk about the recent changes to Magic[…]
It’s episode 250 and we’re celebrating the only way we know how.[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Ben talk about playing UMA Limited at GP Vancouver[…]
Ben, Cameron, and Nelson are very excited to tell you all about their[…]
Graham, James, and Cameron engage in a brutal no-holds-barred[…]
Nelson, Cameron and Kathleen discuss WotC's new Magic Pro League[…]
Ben, Nelson, and Cameron discuss their collections, how they organize[…]
Ben joins Graham & Cameron for an in-depth breakdown of UMA limited[…]
After a few false starts and sifting through thousands of suggestions,[…]
Nelson, Graham, and Cameron look at some fun recent 5-0 standard decks.[…]
James, Cameron and Nelson take your Twitter questions and do their best[…]
Graham and Nelson (with his experience as a judge, but speaking for his[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson open a bunch of completely real and[…]
Graham, James and Nelson sit down to chat about the upcoming changes to[…]
Magic Arena has entered open beta with Guilds of Ravnica sealed, and[…]
Graham Cameron and James discuss all the happenings this week.[…]
Graham, Cameron and James sit down to chat about the latest and greats[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson talk about a bunch of the new GRN and[…]
Cameron and Nelson talk about Guilds of Ravnica spoilers and products.[…]
It’s that time of year again. And for the first time LoadingReadyRun[…]
James, Cameron and Nelson return on this weeks TTC to continue our[…]
Graham, James, and Nelson present our (and your!) nicknames for Core[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Ben talk through the new Commander sets and the[…]
James, Cameron and Nelson take your Twitter questions this week on[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson talk about M19 Limited, and take a look at[…]
James, Kathleen and Nelson continue our never ending quest to crack all[…]
James, Cameron and Nelson chat about Core 2019 and we quickly recap our[…]
Graham & Nelson take a look at the first batch of M19 spoilers!
Adam, Cameron, Ben, and special guest Jules Robins (@JulesRobins)[…]