Call of Juarez: The Cartel - Part 2
Team Action Minority assembles to mishandle witness protection.

Feed Dump 321 - Lost, not Seeking
This week on Feed Dump, we find new ways to make fun of drummers.

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
In which Stan Lee is again rolled out to lend it some credibility.

The Good Judge, Duck and Puma
Remember if you go to a courthouse get a duck sitter because the courts don't take too kindly to water fowl.

A Little Less Kinection
Microsoft announces yet more changes to the Xbox One. At the rate they're going you'll just be buying a[…]

There's No Mojo Here
Do you need common sense and market research if you have wild, unattainable dreams? Yes Madcatz, you do.

So Brave, So Default
The first CheckPoint recorded LIVE was not without its audio errors and awkward pauses, but for being done[…]

CheckPoint 187 - A DiRTy Trick
Stories on Nintendo/Amiibo, The Sims 4, DiRT, Steam, and E3's representation of PC Gaming.

CheckPoint 223 - When Leaks & Rumors Aren't
Stories on the Nintendo NX "leaks", Rock Band for PC, the PlayStation4K, and Valve's Steam Controller.

CheckPoint 257 - Roosterwatch
Stories on Dishonored 2, Stair Quest, Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius, Neko Atsume, and Overwatch's new event!

Hitman Absolution
Agent 47's super secret assassination organization must work with some sort of super secret stamp[…]

Papers, Please
Oh what a surprise! You've been randomly selected by Glorious Arstotska to watch this sketch.

CheckPoint 165 - RetroN to the Future
When your product is already in kind of a weird grey area, maybe don't push it? Stories on Hyperkin, Oculus[…]

CheckPoint 178 - Nintendo Wants that YouTube Dollar
Stories on an Ikea sim, Nintendo & YouTube, Joystiq, Ouya & Alibaba, and Valve's Steam Workshop.

CheckPoint 212 - Blizzard Just Wants Our Love
Stories on Steam hacking, Blizzard's business plan, Star Wars looking amazing, League's amazing numbers,[…]

Feed Dump 333 - Timeless Humor
We start of 2018 by serving you only the freshest of jokes. Support LRR: http://Patreon.com/loadingreadyrun

CheckPoint 316 - Epic Money
Stories on: Aliens Colonial Marines, Game Ratings, Fortnite, and Super Mario Odyssey

Fast Food Smoothie
Just because it all goes to the same place, does that mean it should start that way.

Front Mission Evolved
When you absolutely need mechanized military support, just call Programmer Guy and Valley Girl.

Game for Fashion
The fashion world is like a rickety construction of wood, stone and glass, rocked by an Angry Bird dress.

Runners, Sliders, Designers
Running without a gun is just taking your life into your hands, everyone knows that!

CheckPoint 162 - The Perviest VR
The Colonial Marines lawsuit marches on, Disgaea 5 announced, and Tekken Team shows us the weirdest tech[…]

Quick's Picks: Dante's Inferno
Quick's Picks responds to a viewer email about a misunderstanding with Dante's Inferno.

Rapidfire: Series 3, Episode 6
This week you get the chance to experience Narnier in all of its glory.

Loading Time - The Spoils
Behind the scenes of our Gatecrash spoiler video, and upgrading our fancy new computer. Just a slice of[…]

CheckPoint 253 - Buy Every Microtransaction
Stories on Super Mario Run, Pok?mon GO, Fallout, Final Fantasy XV, and Game of War.

Two Worlds 2
Does this make it four worlds? Would four worlds even be better? We don't think so.

Max Payne 3, Part 2
Graham and Paul were like two startled gophers ... they also didn't understand this scene.

Loading Time - Yes Man
Behind the scenes of the planning and filming of LRR sketch, "Yes Man".

Hot Sauce and Genitals Are Not Friends
Even Australians draw the line at hot sauce on the meat and two veg.

Clash of the Titans
The game may be in actual 3D, but that doesn't make better than the movie.

Sewer Dweller Attacks Restaurant
Alex I'll take "wait, this actually happened in real life?!" for $200 please.

Sacred 3 - Fantasy Power Rangers
Let's all stand around a table and discuss the ills of the land.

Feed Dump 230 - More Palatable
Your regular dump of the news of the week, now in a more controlled way, and more palatable.