Search found 9 matches

by Strave
21 Feb 2013, 12:19
Forum: commodoreHUSTLE
Topic: Harlem Shake
Replies: 48
Views: 11481

Re: Harlem Shake

Well, apparently your greenscreening skills have increased to the point where we suspect reality of being faked. So that has to be a compliment, right? On a side note, I now have this stuck in my head: For great justice, Take off every zig. Pffftt ZIG pffftt ZIG pffftt ZIG pffftt ZIG You know what y...
by Strave
01 Nov 2012, 10:33
Forum: commodoreHUSTLE
Topic: On The Case
Replies: 64
Views: 14163

Re: On The Case

Pretend... it's a Season 5 DVD? That brings up less questions :shock: I'm going to opt to refuse this explanation outright, and instead go along with the Nested LRRverse theory of cH's. The crude comedy stylings of the cH LRR crew leads me to agree with the idea that each cH must indeed become slig...
by Strave
18 Apr 2012, 13:22
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The LRR wiki is back! Drop that baby and edit it!
Replies: 1898
Views: 256511

Re: The LoadingReadyRun wiki needs YOU! Yes, YOU!

Sorry I've been out of it for a while. I've been sick after PAX East. Mildly off-topic: Was there a PAX bug that went around this year, or did I just happen to get sick after PAX, too? I figured that, with tens of thousands of people, it was probably just due to statistics that I caught something.
by Strave
17 Apr 2012, 12:17
Forum: Video Games
Topic: Space Marine
Replies: 21
Views: 1898

Re: Space Marine

I also just recently started playing this. I picked it up on Steam while it was cheap (curse you, Steam Sales!) and basically forgot about it for a month or two. Glad I finally started playing it, though; it's turned out to be quite fun. I think I pretty much agree with everything that's been said. ...
by Strave
16 Nov 2010, 12:51
Forum: LRR Video Discussion
Topic: Moving Out
Replies: 88
Views: 34760

Re: Moving Out


I was gonna call "Thread Necro," but that's actually a good catch.


And STARING. Just... Staring...
by Strave
04 Jul 2010, 10:24
Forum: LRR Video Discussion
Topic: Conan's Witnesses
Replies: 58
Views: 9064

Re: Conan's Witnesses

Wow, that was fantastic. Amazing timing all throughout. And thank goodness for the Door to Door reference; I was thinking about that the whole time and hoping for some kind of callback, and that last bit worked perfectly! I do have to say, Jer's "Maple Sugar Pie" line has to be my favorite...
by Strave
24 Jun 2010, 11:28
Forum: LRR Video Discussion
Topic: Ways to Wake Someone Up
Replies: 53
Views: 13836

Re: Ways to Wake Someone Up

Glad to see the Sam Rami, especially with the sound effects. I feel that really enhances the gag. Also, I don't believe we've ever seen a part of "The Force" before. It looks . . . surprisingly human. Well, we've seen a hand holding a credit card before. But it's never, you know, poked pe...
by Strave
31 May 2010, 10:59
Forum: Bonus Video
Topic: Phailhaüs - 30
Replies: 73
Views: 15531

Re: Phailhaüs - 30

GaProgMan wrote:They'd be very bad at hand washing pint glasses?
Oh, very true. Trust me, I know. I had a bad experience.
by Strave
28 May 2010, 08:29
Forum: Bonus Video
Topic: Phailhaüs - 30
Replies: 73
Views: 15531

Re: Phailhaüs - 30

Phar, phar too long since I've ridden the Derpway... (Makes me want to come up with a similar name for Blimpie subs, its competitor being Subway. Currently phailing at that task.) Glad I already don't have to ask the "audio" question! Thanks, Graham! Looking forward to not thinking my righ...

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