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by lazylantern
08 Mar 2016, 22:17
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Post Modern format speculation, is it a format? (Crapshot)
Replies: 6
Views: 1868

Post Modern format speculation, is it a format? (Crapshot)

I just watched episode 327 of crapshots and I'm stunned at how funny this was. Cam and Alex just roll off one another again, one of my favorite crapshots ever is when they discuss the deck they want to play. Now onto today's topic. What is the Post-Modern format? Is it M15 and up? The card frame cha...
by lazylantern
04 Mar 2016, 19:27
Forum: Sidewalk Slam
Topic: Sidewalk Slam - Fastlane 2016 & RAW
Replies: 10
Views: 5209

Re: Sidewalk Slam - Fastlane 2016 & RAW

Something about the US and IC championships you said. I liked when Brock was champ. Not overexposing the champion made it feel important. When you were fighting for a chance to fight Brock, it was a big deal. Facing the champion was something that seldom happened so you better make your shot count (...
by lazylantern
22 Oct 2015, 18:19
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

We were talking about a phage deck some time ago?
by lazylantern
28 Sep 2015, 18:57
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander 2015 Predictions/Hopes and Dreams
Replies: 3
Views: 932

Re: Commander 2015 Predictions/Hopes and Dreams

also, to keep with WotC's recent track record: Iona in every white deck!
by lazylantern
28 Sep 2015, 07:59
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander 2015 Predictions/Hopes and Dreams
Replies: 3
Views: 932

Re: Commander 2015 Predictions/Hopes and Dreams

Hope they don't go crazy with new cards or that these new cards are planned for print in standard sets later on. Scavenging Ooze and Hornet Queen got printed in standard and so should most of those cards. Izzet; I hope something not based on Melek or Burn because thats just not viable in multiplayer...
by lazylantern
23 Sep 2015, 20:36
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Deck Assistance
Replies: 10
Views: 2394

Re: Deck Assistance

uh... you are right. that doesn't work, I didn't see that part.
Darn. Well then you could very well include the bears again. I like the evasion on the familiar but double the power is not to be scoffed at.
by lazylantern
23 Sep 2015, 20:00
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Deck Assistance
Replies: 10
Views: 2394

Re: Deck Assistance

It gives you the flexibility to have tapped out on 3 or 4, and still be able to counterspell the twin. Basically, it gives you a turn respite against it. at that point, you'll be able to have either a removal spell or two and maybe even a mana leak for further insurance policy.
by lazylantern
23 Sep 2015, 12:43
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Deck Assistance
Replies: 10
Views: 2394

Re: Deck Assistance That's what I see. I replaced the bears for Judge's familiar to protect you against on-curve Splintertwin even if you tap out on turn 4. Pila-Pala is there because you already had Mirror entity and infinite mana with an X mana sink is awesome. Mutav...
by lazylantern
23 Sep 2015, 11:03
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

by lazylantern
23 Sep 2015, 08:46
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

Unrelated to the blog, this will become my first commander control deck: ... are-alive/ Merfolk Wizard flavor inspired by Tolarian Community College. This is my first control deck, cuts were hard to make and I am threading uncharted territory. is there somethi...
by lazylantern
23 Sep 2015, 07:44
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Deck Assistance
Replies: 10
Views: 2394

Re: Deck Assistance

cuddlyblade are you playing on a budget? I like the idea of the deck and as it is, it can clearly win games of modern. Before I channel my inner reddit and tell you that 4 aether vials would be great in your deck, I'd like to know if you are willing to invest 120$ on a playset of a single card hahah...
by lazylantern
20 Sep 2015, 18:27
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

The point is to stay on budget, not to be "not good"
at $3.30 I could include the mimic in the deck, that's a good suggestion. It also pushes for Parallel Lives to stay in the deck
by lazylantern
19 Sep 2015, 22:11
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

Did I forget to post an episode here? Looks like I did
Episode 4 of Commander's presence is now out. This week I explored Agent Smith ... gent-smith
by lazylantern
19 Sep 2015, 22:10
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Magic the Gathering: Ask a Judge
Replies: 3185
Views: 441905

Re: Magic the Gathering: Ask a Judge

Thank you, I wanted to make sure I was not missing a combo before writing my article.
by lazylantern
19 Sep 2015, 21:01
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Magic the Gathering: Ask a Judge
Replies: 3185
Views: 441905

Re: Magic the Gathering: Ask a Judge

JUDGE? If I used Rite of Replication (Kicked) on a Prophet of Kruphix, do I get 6 triggers of untap on my opponent's turn and can stack all the mana between each of them to flash cast a GIANT spell?
by lazylantern
15 Sep 2015, 02:30
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Battle for the Spoiler Season of Zendikar
Replies: 69
Views: 11515

Re: Battle for the Spoiler Season of Zendikar

That Legendary merfolk ally has my EDH/Commander deckbrewing mind racing. I almost want it to be a standard/modern dud just so he'll be bulk and cheap.
Such hype!
by lazylantern
09 Sep 2015, 19:24
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Put Googly eyes on it!
Replies: 2
Views: 742

Re: Put Googly eyes on it!

Thanks, Now I get twice the googly eyed magic cards
by lazylantern
09 Sep 2015, 18:30
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Put Googly eyes on it!
Replies: 2
Views: 742

Put Googly eyes on it!

Hi all

Just wanted to share this blog I found on Tumblr

laughter guaranteed
by lazylantern
09 Sep 2015, 02:07
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Battle for the Spoiler Season of Zendikar
Replies: 69
Views: 11515

Re: Battle for the Spoiler Season of Zendikar

Yall seen the new Warcaller? Insane! I dare say that in Commander, this card will make a killing. A definite include in my future Abzan Ally deck that will use an enchantment called Conspiracy to make all my creatures Ally so any token / ETB effect (Resto angel) will equate to immence amounts of dam...
by lazylantern
06 Sep 2015, 07:04
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

BTW, Episode 2 of Commanding Presence is out! Erza Scarlet takes to the field. ... za-scarlet
by lazylantern
01 Sep 2015, 03:34
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

I disagree with lifelink on Nekusar. It does not help your game plan and in my opinion fails on each steps of the quadrant theory. Developping, you usually would not run your Nekusar unprotected on a developping board. It'll draw removal or boardwipes early and only serve to slow you down. Running a...
by lazylantern
31 Aug 2015, 17:04
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

Well, what card becomes bad depends on the direction you want to go into. For example, if you want to go the Nekusar Darw/Mill route, then Akroma's memorial becomes a terrible card. if you go a more aggressive road, then cards like Jace's archivist and niv-mizzet are very sub-obtimal. I'd cut the Iv...
by lazylantern
31 Aug 2015, 03:46
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

I'd almost just stick basic lands. You current'y are very vulenrable to Ruination and Blood Moon (they may not be present in your meta, but in general, it is a good idea to cover your basis) You are also covering pretty much all of the good non-basic options for less than 10$. Cabal coffers would be...
by lazylantern
30 Aug 2015, 19:18
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: sealed event on tappedout
Replies: 2
Views: 717

Re: sealed event on tappedout

tappedout does sealed events?
by lazylantern
30 Aug 2015, 19:15
Forum: Magic: The Gathering
Topic: Commander/EDH Deck Talk
Replies: 1151
Views: 494138

Re: Commander/EDH Deck Talk

Swans of Bryn Argoll is illegal in this deck because of the white color identity. Just so you know. I'd presonally not try to go the mill route, Nekusar himself will kill anyone before you can mill them out. I get a big "grixis goodstuff" vibe out of your deck, You may want to focus it a b...

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