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by Angnor
27 May 2016, 17:18
Forum: Video Games
Topic: Overwatch LRR group
Replies: 64
Views: 27235

Re: Overwatch LRR group

I'm a little late as always, but I'm Angnor#1459, and I'd love to play!

You don't need skill, right?

Edit: Americas server.
by Angnor
19 Jan 2016, 23:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bill.
Replies: 84
Views: 28002

Re: Bill.

My condolences to all his friends and family. He was an amazing presence wherever he showed up, and he'll be missed.
by Angnor
02 Apr 2015, 11:17
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion
Replies: 54
Views: 5723

Re: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion

Let me try and put this another way. Say we're talking about human driven climate change. There are ways to combat this. The main issue (Here in the US) is that people don't believe it's real, or an issue, or something that needs to be dealt with. Until you actually have enough people willing to fig...
by Angnor
02 Apr 2015, 10:08
Forum: Magnum Rewatch
Topic: Magnum Rewatch Ep09 - Lest We Forget
Replies: 19
Views: 6227

Re: Magnum Rewatch Ep09 - Lest We Forget

I'm loving the rewatch podcasts so much. Thank you!
by Angnor
02 Apr 2015, 10:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion
Replies: 54
Views: 5723

Re: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion

The point of spreading awareness is to make people more aware of a particular thing.
by Angnor
02 Apr 2015, 10:00
Forum: Crapshots
Topic: Crapshots - Volume 3
Replies: 334
Views: 93410

Re: Crapshots - Volume 3

So, Kickstarter to cover Alex in blood?
by Angnor
02 Apr 2015, 09:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion
Replies: 54
Views: 5723

Re: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion

Considering the amount of people who deny that any sort of bias or privilege exists, finding a way to explain that it does or an analogy that can get people to think about it differently is useful.
by Angnor
31 Mar 2015, 20:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion
Replies: 54
Views: 5723

Re: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion

I don't disagree with you at all, I'm just pointing out that being white is "easy mode" doesn't really help convey any of that, and is more likely to put people on the defensive. It's funny, sure, but it doesn't really help the conversation. Getting that message across requires a lot more...
by Angnor
31 Mar 2015, 17:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion
Replies: 54
Views: 5723

Re: IDDQ Social awareness and privilage discussion

The point I was trying to make when I said in chat that this article only serves to make people feel bad is best described through Dark Souls. When Cam was tilting out on the gargoyles and getting stomped left and right, people telling him that the fight was easy compared to, say, Ornstein and Smou...
by Angnor
20 Aug 2014, 08:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Depression Quest
Replies: 42
Views: 4689

Re: Depression Quest

There are better ways to open up about past abuse than doing so on the internet and naming names. Privately to people that you trust, yeah, I get that, but not in a goddamn post on the internet. I call bullshit on that. Completely agree. If he has legitimate issues, that's fine, and he has a right ...
by Angnor
19 Aug 2014, 14:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Ferguson
Replies: 137
Views: 15194

Re: Ferguson

One thing that keeps coming up, in the Ferguson situation and others, is police being adamant about making people (not just the news crews) turn off cameras. This is more than a little worrisome. The police, who are operating under special rules and trust in society, should more than anyone want the...
by Angnor
20 Feb 2014, 10:19
Forum: LoadingReadyRun Streams
Topic: A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
Replies: 398
Views: 63536

Re: A Swiftly Tilting Cameron

I'd either like to see some of the interesting XCOM missions (Base defense, etc...) or move on to Civ V.
by Angnor
14 Nov 2013, 09:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules
Replies: 7432
Views: 553870

Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Merrymaker_Mortalis wrote:Tutor rant again.
This time chemistry.

He knows water is H2O. But his belief of the existence of water is that Hydrogen and Oxygen got dissolved in Water.

- Brain Hurts from metaness.

How is this person a tutor?
by Angnor
13 Nov 2013, 08:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Agents of SHIELD: Whadidyathink?
Replies: 219
Views: 20015

Re: Agents of SHIELD: Whadidyathink?

Although it's been a little uneven, I'm having fun with the series.

And while the hints about what's really going on with Coulson have been a little heavy-handed at times, I liked how he caught himself when calling Tahiti 'A magical place' this episode.
by Angnor
13 Nov 2013, 08:04
Forum: LRR Video Discussion
Topic: Internet Opinions
Replies: 61
Views: 12122

Re: Internet Opinions

Really wonderful video guys. So much fun!
Paul is always amazing as fairly reasonable man.
by Angnor
19 Apr 2013, 12:29
Forum: LRRcast
Topic: askLRR!
Replies: 34
Views: 4791

Re: askLRR!

Was filming/interviewing the Strip Search contestants while they were particularly emotional tough on the crew at all? Did any crew ever have to leave the room or a particular situation? Did you become particularly close with any individual contestants? (Yes or no, no spoilers...) Also, just wanted ...
by Angnor
15 Mar 2013, 13:41
Forum: Loading Time
Topic: Loading Time: Frank Miller's SimCity
Replies: 10
Views: 2526

Re: Loading Time: Frank Miller's SimCity

It was really fun watching the writing room process. Possibly the best Loading time yet. You guys are amazing.
by Angnor
13 Mar 2013, 07:18
Forum: LRR Video Discussion
Topic: Frank Miller's SimCity
Replies: 32
Views: 5703

Re: Frank Miller's SimCity

Metcarfre wrote:I'm excited to see the Loading Time for this one.

I heartily agree.
This video was just brilliant. :)
by Angnor
26 Nov 2012, 10:30
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Unofficial Desert Bus Challenges Conversation Thread OF DOOM
Replies: 225
Views: 13253

Re: Unofficial Desert Bus Challenges Conversation Thread OF

The challenge system this year was a lot lot LOT better than last year's. Basically perfect, I'd say. I really liked the busking system; it cut out all the logistical stuff waiting for people to donate before doing their challenges that happened at DB5, and I think it raised more money overall. It ...
by Angnor
23 Nov 2012, 23:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Congratulations to the LRR couples on their engagements!
Replies: 662
Views: 45789

Re: Congratulations Graham & Kathleen!

Congratulations to you both!
by Angnor
25 May 2011, 10:48
Forum: Feed Dump
Topic: 01 - Tigers and Sheep
Replies: 74
Views: 6300

Re: 001 - Tigers and Sheep

This was great. Glad to see the spirit of The Phailhaus carried on.
by Angnor
25 May 2011, 09:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Big Relationship Thread
Replies: 14919
Views: 710664

Re: The Big Relationship Thread

Use a condom.
by Angnor
27 Jan 2011, 15:17
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Movie Review Thread! (52 movies)
Replies: 114
Views: 6864

Re: 52 movies, 52 weeks, (more than) 52 words.

I... HATED Green Hornet as much as any movie I can think of. And I can't even really pinpoint why. It's not cliched, so I guess it would take an inventive mind to make something I despise so much. For me, it was a whatever movie. Jay Chou was incredible, but Seth Rogen was trying too hard to make w...
by Angnor
19 Jan 2011, 15:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: top 5 with Lisa Foiles
Replies: 273
Views: 18341

Re: top 5 with Lisa Foiles

I'm warming up to this series and quite enjoyed this episode.

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