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by I Palindroem I
24 Jun 2010, 17:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What is the fakest sounding real word/name you can think of.
Replies: 108
Views: 5960

Re: What is the fakest sounding real word/name you can think of.


It sounds more like a foreign shoe than a tasty dish. And yet...
by I Palindroem I
22 May 2010, 07:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts
Replies: 16
Views: 1341

Re: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts

The RepRap is a larger 3D printer, designed (in part) to be able to make copies of itself. In other words, a RepRap can make almost all of its own structural components, and once you add in electronics and a few hours, you have another RepRap. Oh my God, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?! In all seriousness t...
by I Palindroem I
21 May 2010, 17:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts
Replies: 16
Views: 1341

Re: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts

I've always thought 3D printers had a place in prototyping a product, not having to wait for milling, just crating the part off of a CAD drawing. I never thought it could be used for mass production, and once a design is finalized what is the need for 3D printing? Small amounts of material loss is ...
by I Palindroem I
21 May 2010, 17:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts
Replies: 16
Views: 1341

Re: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts

The issue is it takes hours to produce. Time _is_ money, and anything that takes 6 hours to make versus 20 minutes is not really that cost effective. (this is based on my old school's CNC machine. It was like...10 years old, and while it took up 4 times as much space as my new school's 3d printer, ...
by I Palindroem I
21 May 2010, 17:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts
Replies: 16
Views: 1341

Re: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts

...Inexpensive? Inexpensive?!? I know I'm lucky and all that I get access to one for free for the next month, but it is NOT CHEAP. For 15,000$ you get a bottom of the line model, that takes 6 or 7 HOURS to print an 8" cube's worth of stuff. At least ABS plastic is fairly cheap. I'm pretty sure...
by I Palindroem I
21 May 2010, 17:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts
Replies: 16
Views: 1341

Additive Technologies - Synthesized Parts

Hi all. So, I found a thing today that I personally thought was quite interesting - a new string of technologies labeled as "Additive Technologies". This essentially means that instead of starting off with a finished block of material and slowly machining it into parts (Subtractive Technol...
by I Palindroem I
21 May 2010, 02:38
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned
Replies: 31
Views: 1388

Re: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned

Yes it would have, because then the people who were offended by the mod would be forced to admit that it bothered THEM personally and wouldn't hide under the banner of "think of the children". There are people out there who look to get offended so they can make stink, and then the issue t...
by I Palindroem I
20 May 2010, 17:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned
Replies: 31
Views: 1388

Re: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned

You know what, I'm going to be honest here. I don't see what the big deal is. A) most of these measures are already in effect in regards to M rated games so what would really change B) How is disallowing minors from buying a video game a violation of anyones rights? No content is being pulled off t...
by I Palindroem I
20 May 2010, 17:22
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned
Replies: 31
Views: 1388

Re: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned

-Snippity Snip Snip- Ah yes, the Second World War's effects on the US. Probably the best kept secret that is right in front of everyone's face. But still, you're right, and I can't begin to describe just how disappointed I am in my government, and in the American people. Oh well, as I said, there's...
by I Palindroem I
20 May 2010, 16:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned
Replies: 31
Views: 1388

Re: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned

Remember people, the problem here isn't the actual law - its the legal precedent that it will create. It will give lawmakers the ability to overstep the Bill of Rights, which as we all know, CANNOT happen. Once that goes down, I don't know about you guys, but I think I'll be moving to Canada. HOWEVE...
by I Palindroem I
20 May 2010, 14:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned
Replies: 31
Views: 1388

Re: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned

Hmm, you know, now that Matt has given us his two cents, I'm interested to hear what the rest of the cast thinks about this, especially Graham. It would be interesting to get all those different viewpoints on the subject.
by I Palindroem I
20 May 2010, 13:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned
Replies: 31
Views: 1388

Re: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned to the OP's point regarding the ESRB needing to do more: did you miss the part where Mr. Chalk noted that it's the most effective ratings system for media currently in use. Virtually all major retailers enforce the guidelines set forth by the ESRB. (I've seen the numbers. the ESRb has signifi...
by I Palindroem I
20 May 2010, 13:13
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned
Replies: 31
Views: 1388

California Game Law Ruling Currenly Being Overturned

Hi all. First off, here's the link to the main article, found on The Escapist. I'm honestly shocked right now. How could people possibly be so stupid? I know that a majority of this web...

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