LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

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LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

Postby James » 12 Feb 2015, 22:11

Beej, Cameron, and Alex tackle part 2 of Odd Jobs: the weird things we used to do, before we did weird things professionally.
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Re: LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

Postby Omnicrat » 13 Feb 2015, 02:29

Cam: The Movie, possible mystery box item? :D
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Re: LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

Postby VectorZero » 13 Feb 2015, 05:39

Come for the LRRCast, stay for the Cam Lauder Hour.

Holy crap guys.
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Re: LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

Postby Khador » 13 Feb 2015, 06:09

Oh god Cam, I know the pain, call center work is horrible not matter what the company is or does, however it does mean your level of F#@Ks to give goes very low.

Also worst story so far, Ousting a son for watching gay porn to his father due to it appearing on the bill
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Re: LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

Postby vgmaster831 » 13 Feb 2015, 09:15

I have been that man Cam. I actually felt really bad for the airport security person who had to take my dildo out of its various wrappings and swab it to do some sort of chemical test. He was an older, more conservative looking guy. I could feel his discomfort as he looked from me to the toy and back. Of course, I wasn't with my family, so I wasn't really worried about anyone finding out.

Not to mention, it was Clayton the Earth Dragon from the Bad Dragon toy line, so it looked pretty strange to the uninitiated. Plus, he didn't know how well I adhered to cleaning the toy (and I always sterilized it), so he seemed really nervous touching it. Man, I hope he has a podcast.
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Re: LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

Postby nubrain » 13 Feb 2015, 10:51

As someone who worked for a year in a call center I know just how bad that job can be you have to learn how to not take things personally. i got very good at calming down pissed off customers when i learned that if you talk softly and calmly is kind of hard for them to yell back. the best part of the job other than the check was the funny stories I'd get to tell when I went home.

Like the lady that called me stupid for sugesteing she power cycle her cell phone because her phone didn't have a battery and demanded to talk to someone it tech support who knew what they were talking about.

Or the woman who insisted that her 16 year old daughter couldn't have make 1500 texts because she didn't know how to text.

Or the man that wanted me to promise to give him a credit before he would give me the number to open his account which i wouldn't do and when i did get into his account it had a ton of credits already and had actually been locked from anyone but supervisors adding credits. He hadn't paid a signal bill in 6 monts the whole time he had his phone and kept duping credits out of people with about 20 notes on the account that day saying he'd called in looking for a credit and there was none due.

on of my favorites though were the actually charming ones.

Like the British man that who was tickled that I knew what his password "Tardis" meant.

oh the older gentleman who kept getting calls from people looking for a detective agency as they had accidentally printed his number on their flier and he wanted to know if there was any way to figure out what their number actually was.

it's definatly not the kind of work for everyone though. before I moved and had to quite I was on part of the training team that helped new hires the first 2 weeks out of training (which was 6 weeks) I still recall the monday that we had a new group starting and after break we realize one girl had only one long call before her break, had never asked for help and when she finished punched out for break and just grabbed her purse and walked straight out of the building and never came back.
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Re: LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2

Postby Yaxley » 18 Feb 2015, 10:58

vgmaster831 wrote:Not to mention, it was Clayton the Earth Dragon from the Bad Dragon toy line, so it looked pretty strange to the uninitiated.

And thanks to my curiosity, I not only know about that, I know there is a dildo based on Left Shark.

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