EVE Online LRR group

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EVE Online LRR group

Postby Saulens181 » 25 Jul 2017, 10:58

Given the amount (being non-zero) of people who play EVE Online in the LRR community, I am considering creating a LRR EVE corporation. Given the nature of the game, this will most likely be a very casual group, but hopefully playing this game together with people from the LRR community would end up being a more active and enjoyable experience.

Of course, the issues with this come with more technical details. For starters, we will need a headquarters location, which will be our main area of operations, however, depending on activities, this can be more of a suggestion than a rule. In addition, while I am currently able to create a new corporation on my account, it is an Alpha account, which means that the corporation will only be able to hold 20 members, with me being unable to increase it unless I upgrade my account. As such, while I would like to stay with this project if it turns out to turn into a thing, we will most likely need someone more experienced as the head of the Corporation.

For now these are just some starting plans, but if people are interested I am more than able to act upon them and get this whole thing started.
Alex Tremayne
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Re: EVE Online LRR group

Postby Alex Tremayne » 26 Jul 2017, 12:16

I can train up the corp management skill if need be. It's low rank so it's a short train to get a few levels.

Do we have any other interest in this?

If so, what sort of activities are people looking for in-game? Playing EVE without some kind of group goal or direction is an easy way to get bored with the game.

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