PS3 Game Recommendations

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PS3 Game Recommendations

Postby TStodden » 01 Sep 2019, 12:46

I know that I'm a bit late to the PS3 scene, but recently picked up a PS3 Slim from my brother & I'm looking at some games to play on the platform. I'm looking for some recommendations here with a few restrictions.

  1. Games should be a platform exclusive -- If it's available on PC or a Nintendo console (like the Switch), I'm more likely to grab it on that platform. Non-platform exclusives are OK if the game was released on XBox 360 alongside the PS3.
  2. Physical copies will be considered -- This is mostly due to current storage limitations & I have access to a retro game store (as well as GameStop) to pick games up, when possible.
  3. PS1 & PS2 classics (downloadables) will be considered -- I'm willing to give older games a spin as I don't these systems (again, as long as it's a platform exclusive).
  4. Single Player experiences preferred -- I only have one controller, so I'm not looking at multiplayer games. I'm not planning on paying for PlayStation Plus either.
  5. No Traditional Sports, FPS & Strategy games -- This is more of a personal preference as I generally don't enjoy these genres. If a game has something unique to it (which makes it non-traditional), I may check it out.

Games that I've picked up for the system was:
  • Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (bundled)
  • Metal Gear 4 (bundled)
  • MLB '07 (bundled)
  • Red Dead Redemption (bundled)
  • Demon Souls
  • Tomba! (PS1 classic)
  • Tomba! 2 (PS1 classic)

Thanks for any recommendations you may provide.
(Going Text based as Photobucket is being a jerk)
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Re: PS3 Game Recommendations

Postby GlorySeer » 14 Sep 2019, 15:41

A few suggestions:

-Persona 5 (yes, it is on PS3, and it doesn't function that much differently from the PS4 version. Main problem is the loading times)
-3D Dot Game Heroes (A very traditional Zelda-like game)
-Infamous (Haven't played 2, but the series is a pretty fun super hero-esque open world game that I remember enjoying a lot)

I'll take a look through my downloaded games when I have a chance and edit in some more suggestions, but those are the ones that stand out to me.

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