I picked Simic, but my pull was a little disappointing. No Zameck Guildmages, no Keyrunes for ramp, and no rares aside from my Fathom Mage. However, I did well! I won my first match against a relatively mill-focused Dimir deck. Hilariously enough, the turn before I went 2-0, he managed to mill my entire deck down to just my Simic Charm using those "mill until you hit a land" cards.
Next game was a disaster against a nasty Boros deck. Using a
Orduun Veteran and a
Sunhome Guildmage, he was able to drill down my life until he zapped me with a
Boros Charm.Third game was awesome! I was playing another Simic, but I won the first round after he mulled twice and got mana screwed. The second game was a dead tie until he was able to pay for the Bloodrush cost on
Skarrg Goliath and bring me down. Thanks to
Hands of Binding, I was able to bring it home in the third game.
In the last game, I agreed to split the prizes with a really great guy playing an Orzhov deck. I believe I beat him 2-0 through Hands of Binding and a 2/4
Crocanura (which was definitely one of my most useful cards during the whole event).
In the end, the whole event kicked ass! I wound up pulling a bunch of cards I REALLY would have wanted, such as
Zameck Guildmage, and
Elusive Krasis. My buddy playing Gruul pulled TWO
Master Biomancers in my box, so I wanted to strangle him, especially since he didn't splash for them. :/
But all in all, I had fun. If I didn't have homework, I would have been trying Boros today.
Oh, and I don't know why, but I ended up with six
Shamblesharks by the time I got home. Man, I don't know why, but I absolutely LOVE that card.