- Do you have an online tabletop campaign that just doesn't have enough players?
- Do you have neat idea for a one-shot, but can't be bothered to seek out people interested?
- Is there a cool system that you'd like to give a test run?
- Are you a NEW PLAYER® looking to gain tabletop experience?
- Are you an OLD PLAYER® looking to get some more gaming in?
This thread is to advertise for any and all of those things!
If you're posting a campaign, one-shot, or experiment with a new system:
Make sure to include dates, times(include the timezone you use for scheduling), and any restrictions(e.g., max number of players). Try to give potential players an idea of what to expect. (e.g., Our group doesn't take story very seriously, This is an evil campaign.)
If you're a player hoping to join a game:
Include your previous experience and try to give a general idea of availability(include your local timezone).
If you end up with a bunch of players looking for a group, consider posting a call for a GM. There must be someone on the forums willing to step up.
Useful Tools:
Roll20 - A Virtual Tabletop
Google Hangouts
Wizards Official Dice Roller
Note: You may or may not be required to supply your own source books. You should probably find out this information before committing.
I know of at least one LRR-centered one-shot being organized at the moment, and I plan on putting out a call myself pretty soon once I've got the details worked out. So if you're interested, keep an eye on the thread.