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Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments HERE

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 06:29
by An Evil Herbivore
  • Do you have an online tabletop campaign that just doesn't have enough players?
  • Do you have neat idea for a one-shot, but can't be bothered to seek out people interested?
  • Is there a cool system that you'd like to give a test run?
  • Are you a NEW PLAYER® looking to gain tabletop experience?
  • Are you an OLD PLAYER® looking to get some more gaming in?

This thread is to advertise for any and all of those things!

If you're posting a campaign, one-shot, or experiment with a new system:
Make sure to include dates, times(include the timezone you use for scheduling), and any restrictions(e.g., max number of players). Try to give potential players an idea of what to expect. (e.g., Our group doesn't take story very seriously, This is an evil campaign.)

If you're a player hoping to join a game:
Include your previous experience and try to give a general idea of availability(include your local timezone).

If you end up with a bunch of players looking for a group, consider posting a call for a GM. There must be someone on the forums willing to step up.

Useful Tools:
Roll20 - A Virtual Tabletop
Google Hangouts
Wizards Official Dice Roller

Note: You may or may not be required to supply your own source books. You should probably find out this information before committing.

I know of at least one LRR-centered one-shot being organized at the moment, and I plan on putting out a call myself pretty soon once I've got the details worked out. So if you're interested, keep an eye on the thread.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 06:30
by nicholasmc1
An Evil Herbivore wrote:[*]Are you an OLD PLAYER® looking to get some more gaming in?

Don't you mean grognard?

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 12:28
by My pseudonym is Ix
Might tentatively stick my nose in the ring as a newbie looking for a game, although I'm toying with the idea of writing one of my own at the moment.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 12:32
by ElFuzzy
So I have this Kobold warmage that I spent a few weeks making that I'm itching to put in a game. Though, I don't know if anyone here is in Denver area.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 12:57
by An Evil Herbivore
ElFuzzy wrote:Though, I don't know if anyone here is in Denver area.

Likely not. I recommend just trying for online groups using Roll20.

My pseudonym is Ix wrote:Might tentatively stick my nose in the ring as a newbie looking for a game, although I'm toying with the idea of writing one of my own at the moment.

Any particular system you're interested in?

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 13:10
by My pseudonym is Ix
An Evil Herbivore wrote:
ElFuzzy wrote:Though, I don't know if anyone here is in Denver area.

Likely not. I recommend just trying for online groups using Roll20.

My pseudonym is Ix wrote:Might tentatively stick my nose in the ring as a newbie looking for a game, although I'm toying with the idea of writing one of my own at the moment.

Any particular system you're interested in?

Nothing in particular, I'm more interested in campaign concept and such. Though I had a lot of fun with a Deathwatch campaign a little while ago.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 13:15
by Jamfalcon
Not making any promises, but I've been looking at the possibility of putting something together to run online (it would be D&D 3.5) and recruiting players here. It's at least a couple months off (need to wrap up my current campaign), but I'll let you guys know as soon as I do.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 21 Dec 2013, 07:29
by Myrph
I've finally taken the plunge and downloaded the latest release of FATE Core, with a view to starting my own campaign using it. Currently planning on using it for a Dresden Files/Laundry Files/Secret World-esque contemporary fantasy/horror game, with a custom-tweaked tech/magic system.

My current plan is to use FATE Core and the System Builders Toolkit to effectively merge Dresden Files RPG (which was what Fate Core was built up from) with the Laundry Files RPG, if such a monster is even possible.

I probably won't launch straight into a campaign at this stage, as if nothing else I can't guarantee that I can pull a perfect working system out of this first time round, but once I've got a better concept of what I can and can't do with it, I'll probably run a few one shots to trial it and figure out how/where I want to take it and try and flesh out the setting at the same time.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 27 Dec 2013, 16:06
by An Evil Herbivore
Myrph wrote:I'll probably run a few one shots to trial it and figure out how/where I want to take it and try and flesh out the setting at the same time.

I'm up for some of this. Played a bit of The Dresden Files RPG, so I think I could muddle through whatever you come up with.


Also! My holiday vacation is done, so I'm putting out a call for players! I'm going to run a one-shot of 13th Age. It's a cool fantasy system in the way of D&D and it's got some super interesting ideas about characters, skills, and gameplay. I like to focus on character interaction a lot, so expect more talk-y bits that combat.

Character creation is kind of involved, so if you're interested throw me a PM and we'll set up some time to go through what you'll need to know. It's a good idea to have a general idea of backstory and personality for your character, but obviously you might wanna leave the details a bit vague until you can take a look at the setting. Since I'll be setting up the story to go with the characters, I make no promises on when this will happen, but we can work on schedules to make sure everyone who wants to be involved can.

Send me a PM or add me on Skype if you're interested.

EDIT: I don't think this will be an issue, but just in case I'd like to throw in that I'd rather not get a group larger than 6 or 7. I'm just not sure I could handle that many.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 11:28
by My pseudonym is Ix
Either of those sound interesting, but I won't say anything definite for a couple of weeks when I can be sure (or otherwise) of time and internet connection.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 17:13
by Myrph
Just to show how far off I am from actually running anything coherent, I've put together a page on Google+ to act as a sounding board for the ideas I have for my campaign. Its going to be fairly rough at first, but as I get more stuff on there, I'll hopefully patch together enough to start running a couple of one shots in the universe, with a view to working towards a complete campaign.

This sentence will link to the page when you click on it.

Anyone can see the posts on the page, but you need to be circled in order to comment on them (just as a precaution to avoid spam really), so if you're at all interested in either sharing ideas or possibly being involved in a one-shot/campaign, circle the page and I'll add you back as soon as I'm able.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 11:20
by My pseudonym is Ix
So, I spent my Christmas holidays thinking about pirates. Specifically, I've been writing and designing from scratch my own RPG, called Privateer, set in the Caribbean during the golden age of piracy. I've got about 7500 words down but am a LONG way from finishing, so this looks like being a long job- it'll be a couple of months at least before I get around to even attempting to playtest it. However, since I thought some people here might be interested, I transcribed it into a Google Doc (apologies for the formatting issues, it was just a straight copy/paste). Any thoughts, suggestions or tired shakings of heads from RPG veterans would be welcome.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 22:25
by Jamfalcon
Hey everyone, so I've just been talking to Prospero, and we're thinking of putting together a group to play some D&D 3.5 (run by me) and Marvel Super Heroes (run by him). Order or rotation will be decided once we have a group together, and we'll be playing with Roll20, using text chat.

We're looking for three more players. Time-wise, it'll probably be in the evening for the two of us (PST and CST), so unfortunately it won't likely work well for anyone in Europe. Exact times and dates can be discussed once we have all of our players together.

For my part, the campaign will be based on the prewritten (and excellent) Age of Worms adventure path, starting at level 1 in the "default" D&D setting, Greyhawk. I've run the campaign once before, and can attest that it is a very solid, traditional adventure. A fair bit of dungeon crawling, but punctuated with plenty of roleplaying.

So, anyone interested?

Edit: I forgot to mention, players that are unfamiliar with these rules and settings are still completely welcome.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 31 Mar 2014, 04:52
by Hepheastus
I've been wanting to run A Rogue Trader game for ever, I might try this to see if I can get it of the ground.
Anyone from the Forums interested?

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 31 Mar 2014, 08:04
by My pseudonym is Ix
I'm up for Heph's game, as a European it would seem I am a little impractically located for Jam & Prospero's.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 08:40
by Jamfalcon
We've got one more free spot, and I should say that if anyone is interested in just D&D or just MSH, that works too. We're also flexible on times and dates, nothing's settled on at this point.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 23:51
by Hepheastus
What times PST and CST will you be running the game most likely?

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 07:59
by Prospero101
Depends on how okay you are with staying up late, swapping manly stories. (In the mornin', I'm makin' waffles!)

We were hoping to do it in the late evening (roughly 8 p.m. CST, 6 p.m. PST) but we could go as early as 5 p.m CST/3 p.m. PST.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 12:15
by Hepheastus
For me that's 11pm to 3am
Hmm I could actually do that but it would have to be on a Friday or Saturday

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 12:25
by Prospero101
Rats! I'm afraid I can't do Fridays, and I tend to work most Saturdays.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 13:00
by Hepheastus
Well then best of luck to you

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 13:35
by Jamfalcon
We're planning to do character creation tonight sometime around 8:00 PST for my D&D campaign, if anyone wants to jump in before we get going.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 16 Apr 2014, 14:39
by PlasmaCow
So my Skype-based Dark Heresy group have recently lost a member to work commitments (living on the other side of the Atlantic didn't help things much either).

We have a continuing set of characters that have been on the go for... 3 years now I think, although only 2 of us remain from the original 6 players. We're currently having a little break due to a couple of us having a busy month, but we usually run Monday evenings from 7.30pm till around 10pm (UK time).
We nominally plan/discus any alterations to this schedule on The Conclave, a forum for GWs Inquisitor game & Dark Heresy.

Basically at the moment we're in the middle of an adventure that'd be tricky but not impossible to add a new player into, but we're just generally after some new blood to voice an interest and to join us when it becomes feasible.

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 20 Apr 2014, 07:28
by OzHatke
Hi LRRfans! I'm looking for advice about a table-top game I developed. I don't know if this is the forum for it (I'm new at forums), but any advice would be helpful. How do you all share and get play groups together for casual party games?

I designed a drawing game that involves picking cards that create a random phrase. Your job is to illustrate the phrase and then see if the other players can guess what words you used based on your drawing.

If you like drawing/creative games check it out at my website:

Thanks for any advice!

Re: Advertise Your Campaign/One-Shots/Tabletop Experiments H

Posted: 20 Apr 2014, 21:49
by TStodden
I'll chalk up a "D'oh" for starting a similarly new thread, but I'm interested in joining in a D&D game (3.5 or 4th edition) on Roll20 or whatnot.

The one restriction is my days off are Sunday - Tuesday, preferably in the afternoon CT (GMT-5/6)... but can do late-nights except Tuesday (I still have to drag my ass to work for 10 hours Wednesday - Saturday to maintain my playtime).

For D&D, consider my experience "Newbish" (Know the core rules, but need help with some of the fine-tuning stuff) & non-traditional (I'll utilize books outside the core books, when possible)... so there might a small challenge for an inexperienced DM, but should be too challenging.

If there's an opening for a group, just give the info. I need to get my character sheet(s) to the right place.