Loading Time - Fairy Godparent
Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 08:58
by Kathleen
Re: Loading Time - Fairy Godparent
Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 13:58
by Under_Score
For those curious (and I hope I wasn't the only one, or else I'd be terribly embarrassed), the mysterious Austin is likely Austin Mahone (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin_Mahone), a Beiber-esque pop singer that found his start on YouTube.
Re: Loading Time - Fairy Godparent
Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 14:33
by AdmiralMemo
Are those the wings that Ash used for Feed Dump: "Errant Teeth and Corpse Eviction"?
Re: Loading Time - Fairy Godparent
Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 02:16
by Gltepel
Now THAT hat is actually pretty awesome. Looks much better.
Re: Loading Time - Fairy Godparent
Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 10:17
by JayBlanc
Kitties! Also, sneak peak at Bitizens being edited.
Apropos nothing, I was called a weirdo by David Bowie once.