IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 25 May 2014, 11:45

Dark Messiah?


It has the greatest weapon in any game. It's rope tied onto an arrow which you shoot with a bow. It's a medieval "Portal Gun". You shoot the special arrow onto a bit of wood and you climb up.

It's a FP Action RPG thing on the Source Engine.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby ch3m1kal » 25 May 2014, 16:38

Rope arrows are in thief too, ever since the first one.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 26 May 2014, 05:10

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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby MowDownJoe » 26 May 2014, 05:19

Boofinka wrote:
MowDownJoe wrote:Submitting Transistor for the next round. Mostly out of hype.

I think Alex said he isn't really into Transistor.
But it's a really good game, y'all.

Yeah, but with James playing it, it seems redundant.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 26 May 2014, 06:11

Transistor is fun if you enjoy planning how to kill something.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby My pseudonym is Ix » 26 May 2014, 11:34

Can I stick my hand up and say I'm not sold on Transistor either? I could never stick it through Bastion, despite the undoubtedly fantastic visual style and voice acting, and the combat in Transistor just seems badly paced thanks to the whole 'stop for a minute to plan the next 5 seconds' mechanic. Not my kinda game
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby ch3m1kal » 26 May 2014, 13:43

I agree with Transistor. I think it's way overrated. Sure the art style and music are great, but the game itself is kind of meh, though I heard the ending is good.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 26 May 2014, 13:45

You aren't expected to use the stop-combat mechanic.
But I did feel like it was easier to since it has inherent FPS issues (which you have to resolve). And as you progress it does feel like the game was designed around the feature.
I have only been recommending the game (myself) to people who enjoyed Bastion because I can see why Transistor isn't everyone's cup of cliché beverage.

A trouble it may have is due to the nature of the narrative, there isn't really a hook at the start. The only hook is if you're curious or not about what's happening. I guess it makes sense because the characters don't know what's going on. But it's not exciting. The narrative gets much better though.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Asthanius » 31 May 2014, 16:46

Okay, so get this: Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

It's an RPG trilogy with a story based on the bible and gameplay based on Final Fantasy. As far as I can tell, you play as Jesus, Mary, and his disciples as they fight their way to Bethlehem, killing thieves and buying battle saws. Literally, there's a weapon called a battle saw.

Also the games are free.

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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby ritchards » 31 May 2014, 16:54

That's what you Watch and Pray on Kathleen!
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby RebelliousUno » 03 Jun 2014, 14:10

Surgeon Simulator would be a great short blast.
I've got a copy on steam going wanting as well for you if you wnat/need
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Firbozz » 15 Jun 2014, 18:39

Popping by the thread to suggest Atom Zombie Smasher, which I recently rediscovered in my Steam library. I'd be a good palate cleanser game, suitable for a single stream (though could be played for more).
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby lugthor » 06 Jul 2014, 14:58

Just another idea to drop into the hat. Ether One. Based on what Alex has said about his love of exploration games on his stream, I think it would be a great fit. also it was just on an episode of James Recommends from the Extra Credits guys if you want to get a feel for what exactly Ether One is. ... dg&index=2
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby GDwarf » 06 Jul 2014, 18:04

Assuming I've understood how this thread works, I've gotta vote for Zeno Clash. ACE Team games aren't always mechanically great, but they are visual masterpieces, and Zeno Clash is just this wonderful blend of delightfully weird imagery.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby CapnHat87 » 08 Jul 2014, 05:42

I assume it's been mentioned, but if not... Alex playing Sir, You Are Being Hunted would be just... just the best.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby MistahFixIt » 19 Jul 2014, 08:01

I'm gonna go Spawnsire of Ulamog and pull a suggestion from out of play... let's go old-school; back to the mid-90's and the era of Full Motion Video!

Specifically, THIS.

I will pay you the six bucks to play this, Alex. It is so stupidly earnest it's amazing, and yet despite that, I was compelled to keep playing it. Now that GOG has a disc-free version, you can actually stream it without stopping every 60 seconds to wait for the DVD drive to spool up.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Boofinka » 21 Jul 2014, 16:00

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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby LadyRhian » 15 Aug 2014, 08:28

MistahFixIt wrote:I'm gonna go Spawnsire of Ulamog and pull a suggestion from out of play... let's go old-school; back to the mid-90's and the era of Full Motion Video!

Specifically, THIS.

I will pay you the six bucks to play this, Alex. It is so stupidly earnest it's amazing, and yet despite that, I was compelled to keep playing it. Now that GOG has a disc-free version, you can actually stream it without stopping every 60 seconds to wait for the DVD drive to spool up.

How about the Gabriel Knight Games? "Sins of the Fathers" has a ton of voice talent, including Tim Curry, Mark Hamill, Michael Dorn, Leah Rimini and Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.

"The Beast Within" was FMV-filled and took place in Germany, with some super Spoopy Werewolf effects. (The First one, about Voodoo, has some Spoopy Stuff, too.)

"Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned" has vampires. None of these are shooter games, and not really horror, but are adventure games with horror elements and a horror story.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby Ukulele » 27 Oct 2014, 13:29

After seeing you enjoy Five Nights at Freddy's, I'd really like to see you play Gods Will Be Watching. The both overlap in the genre of tense resource management but GWBW takes it further. Less jump scary and more just trying to unsettle and unnerve you by putting you in dire situations where tough choices have to be made.

The gameplay is basically just point and click resource management of a moderate to challenging difficulty. You are presented with a scenario in each of 7 chapters where the lives of people are put in your hands. However, saving everyone isn't your goal. The only requirement to proceed is to ensure the main character survives.

The story takes place in the distant science fiction future of space ships and aliens. The plot revolves around a terrorist organization, a morally ambiguous human Space empire, and the Medusa virus, which paralyzes it's victims and shuts off their minds slowly.

The game is relatively short, comprising of 7 chapters which each take somewhere from 30-45 minutes or less. You could conceivably finish the game in one siting, like I did.

I hope I've sold you on checking Gods Will Be Watching out. It's a game I really enjoyed and I think you would too.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby MegzHartie » 23 May 2015, 07:25

You should check out Schrodinger's Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark. It's a pretty neat puzzle platformer were you combine critters called Quarks in order to traverse levels in anyways you wish. It also takes place in a world based on physics and particles with some pretty decent humor.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby vargsarath » 12 Jan 2016, 20:43

How about some more killing floor 2? lotsa updates since your last stream of it.
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Re: IDDQDerp nextplay poll ROUND 6

Postby TStodden » 20 Jan 2016, 16:29

Due to the lack of any other viable thread... I think Alex would enjoy Scrap Mechanic ( ).

It's a bit like Besiege, but more of an open-world game where you build your own vehicles. I can see Alex having fun making something that's barely functional.
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