empath wrote:Okay, I swear I'm not gonna totally co-opt this thread, but I gotta mention this:
Someone in the chat advised that 'everything is explained in the Demons Souls manual', and - for the most part - that's correct.
For the record, I was the one who said that, and I actually totally agree with you that it's poor design and business sense. As I said after Alex called me out on it, I wasn't trying to defend Dark Souls at all. I was just stating what I knew to be true. If I had a point there, it was more just that it's odd.
Also, to be clear, not "everything" is explained in the Demon's Souls manual. But it at least explains itself quite a bit better than Dark Souls does, and many of the mechanics carry over. Even having played Demon's Souls though, I still had to look at the wiki to have the slightest clue what humanity and poise even do. Actually, in hopes of possibly making things easier on Alex:
Explanation Of Poise And Humanity:POISE: Poise is stun resistance. A character with 0 poise will flinch after he gets hit by any attack. Essentially, each enemy attack has a certain threshold, and if your poise is over that threshold, you won't be stunned when you get hit by that attack. For instance, if you have about 20 poise, that's enough that most arrows and bolts won't stun you, but most other attacks will. Wearing the entire knight armor set, you have enough poise to endure most weak attacks without flinching, I think.
Heavy armors grant poise, and while the heavier armors do generally have higher physical defense than lighter ones, poise is actually the main advantage of using heavy armor. Note that Poise has no effect on blocking (stability is the relevant stat there, which works differently)
HUMANITY: It's important to note that "human form" and what I'll call "held humanity" are two completely different things. Being in human form allows you to kindle bonfires, see other player's/NPC summon signs (which allows you to summon them for co-op play), leave your own summon sign with the white soapstone (which allows other players to summon you), and allows other players to invade you.
Held humanity is the number in the top left corner of the screen next to the health/stamina bar. Holding more humanity will increase your defense, your curse resistance, and the drop rates of enemies. Also, turning to human form and kindling bonfires each cost 1 humanity. Held humanity can be increased simply by killing enemies, or by using "Humanity" items. Held humanity is dropped on death just like souls are.
Alex Steacy wrote:Exactly. I'm aware that pro strats exist, but telling me to use them on my first playthrough is like saying to skip 2+2=4 and go right to calculus because it's the most powerful math. What I wanted to say to certain people in the chat was "may I please learn the fucking basics first?". I will pick up backstabbing and parrying and riposting and optimal builds and all that other shit in time, but for now slow and steady works for me. It's like being good at video games infects some people with selective amnesia so they don't remember what it was like starting out which makes them deride novices.
I hope I wasn't one of those people getting on your nerves. If I was, I apologize.
However, I think you are perceiving people's comments as being much more derisive than they were intended to be. I think at least 99% of the people giving you advice (whether it was good or bad advice, and telling you to riposte when you are still learning the basics is imo bad advice) were trying to give it BECAUSE they remembered what it was like starting out, and were trying to help. As far as I could tell, no one was deriding you for "playing wrong."
I was actually getting slightly frustrated at all the people deriding the "pro Dark Souls players" trying to "help." Personally, I was trying to explain how stuff in the game works because, as we've established, the game does a poor job of teaching the player how stuff works. But I feel like since Yahtzee made a video saying that "Dark Souls players are dicks," there's an expectation for Dark Souls players to be dicks. Regardless of whether that's actually happening or not.
Other than that, I enjoyed your stream immensely Alex. I hope you'll stream it again some time.