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Postby Gap Filler » 19 Jan 2016, 19:35

Too much to say, nothing to say, just some stuff that hopefully amounts to a reminisce:

Not even Wham!pires know the words to Wake Me Up Before You Go Go.

Noselling Morgan's manky silly string in that Whatever Thing.

Mr Tiddlywinks rooming with the Warriors of Darkness.

Many, many dead ninjas.

Crashing the bus to Don't Stop Me Now and putting everyone else who couldn't manage a single crash in DB3 to shame.

The legend of gay chicken.

And of course, the magic pocket.

Goodbye and God's pee Bill. Keep on crashing that bus you magnificent ginger man.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Elaro » 19 Jan 2016, 19:48

May his spirit rest with the LRRd.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Tapir12 » 19 Jan 2016, 20:03

So sad to hear of his passing. Sending my condolences to the crew and everyone who knew him. A great loss.
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Re: Bill.

Postby AdmiralMemo » 19 Jan 2016, 20:04

"The Gay Chicken" was literally the first LRR sketch I ever saw.

RIP Bill
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Re: Bill.

Postby Deedles » 19 Jan 2016, 20:25

Keeping LRR and all others who knew Bill in my thoughts. I think they have a right of it, to remember him for the good guy he was. The Champion of the Iron Stomach! Among others...
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Re: Bill.

Postby Can't Wear Hats » 19 Jan 2016, 20:41

So sad to hear Bill passed away. My condolences to everyone and especially to Kate "Billzmom" Watt. I'll always remember him most from Desert Bus, as the gangly, gregarious and loving man he was.

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Re: Bill.

Postby Jamfalcon » 19 Jan 2016, 20:42

I don't even know what to say. Bill was so much more than an actor in something I liked. Between the sketches, Desert Bus, and those old, chaotic LRRcasts when him and Morgan were around, I felt like we could get at least a decent glimpse into who he really was.

Graham mentioned in his blog post about how pivotal Bill was in forming LRR and Desert Bus. I don't know if this place would exist without him and those D&D games, and LRR as a whole certainly wouldn't be the same. So for that, he has my thanks.

My Condolences to Kate, and the whole LRR crew.
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Re: Bill.

Postby JackSlack » 19 Jan 2016, 20:48

I am so sorry to hear this. I can only echo what has already been said in offering my condolences to all his friends and family, and Kate specifically. :(
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Re: Bill.

Postby The Morrigan » 19 Jan 2016, 20:55

Jamfalcon wrote:I don't even know what to say.

Typed the exact same thing before I saw your comment. Love to LRR, to Bill's mom, to everyone who knew him. We'll miss you so much, Bill.

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Re: Bill.

Postby augurseer » 19 Jan 2016, 21:02

I have created an account to say this specifically. I think we will all miss Bill, i only came to enjoying LLR recently. through a friend who was having a hard time of his own. His love of DB and LRR turned into a love of it for me. I was over joyed at hearing Kathleen and Graham were marrying, smiled and laughed at the intro for Penelope. and have loved every minute of LRR i can view. Bill is an important part of your lives and a major part of the forming or LRR. I hope his mom can find peace now that he has. and god bless.

I am truly sorry for all of your lose in this LRR crew.
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Re: Bill.

Postby King Kool » 19 Jan 2016, 21:04

I posted this to my Facebook, so I figured I'd post it here, too.
My friends at LoadingReadyRun lost a friend today, the irreplaceable Bill Watt. I was fortunate enough to meet him when I traveled out to volunteer for Desert Bus. He was an unforgettable man, not only as a nearly seven-foot-tall man with red hair, but one with a unique sense of humor and occasionally reluctant on-camera presence. Bill's childhood house served as the epicenter of the group of friends that became LoadingReadyRun.

I remember when Morgan had to eat a spoonful of Marmite at Desert Bus 5. Bill's unbeatable stomach was the stuff of legends and sonnets, but when offered a spoon of Marmite for himself, the same spoon Morgan had just used, his only hesitation was, "Can I get a different spoon?"

I have a story to share with the fans and crew of LoadingReadyRun, in that I'm pretty sure the only people who know this story were me and him.

In one of the long evenings of Desert Bus 5's run, it was just me and Bill upstairs. Bill had found the Ripster Street Sharks puppet toy (once used in the Feed Dump Errant Teeth and Corpse Eviction). He was trying to figure out a way to bring the Ripster toy downstairs without anyone seeing it. Not just chat or the camera seeing it, anyone in the room at all. He was looking for a bag or something, and what we finally settled on was an empty 12-pack of soda. (We might have actually dumped some cans out of it, come to think of it.) The puppet barely fit inside, and he took the parcel downstairs.

I didn't see what shenanigans he started with the puppet, but I know why he did it; for the pure silly fun of it. He was a man after my own heart. Bill was the giant redheaded heart of LoadingReadyRun.

I wish I'd known Bill for longer than I did. Maybe someday, we'll meet again and play some eight-player Halo.

Until that day... rest in peace, Bill.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Tensen01 » 19 Jan 2016, 21:16

So, I've been watching LRR since way back in season 1, and Bill was always a highlight of every video he was in. Not sure what else to say so I'll share a memory of an interaction with him.

Way back in 2007 I did some artwork for a roleplaying game heavily inspired by Fallout. That year, during Desert Bus 1 I was off work that whole week and spent every waking hour watching. During Bill's shift I shared some of the images I drew for the game. Bill loved them and told me I needed to draw him as a Super Mutant. Very shortly later I came back saying I had totally turned him into a Super Mutant and posted the following image


He loved it.

We'll miss you, Bill.
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Re: Bill.

Postby MotorWaffle » 19 Jan 2016, 21:16

Rest in peace Bill, you iron-stomached, hilarious ass. And all our love and support to his mom, LRR and everyone else who knew him.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Allen! » 19 Jan 2016, 21:28

I've spent a lot of the day reminiscing with friends about Bill, and sobbing my eyes out while listening to The Doors. I don't have the words capable of encapsulating Bill's spirit, but I can say that I wouldn't be who I am without him.

He introduced me to some of the greatest loves of my life: D&D, and my friends.
He gave me new ways to think about life, about the world. He encouraged me to write, he encouraged me to listen, he encouraged me to look.

I loved him, unabashedly, and I always will. He was the fattest bastard I've ever known, and the only one I've ever needed to know.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Master Gunner » 19 Jan 2016, 21:31

Rest in peace, you magnificent ginger giant.
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Re: Bill.

Postby hacofo » 19 Jan 2016, 21:40

Rest in peace.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Psyclone » 19 Jan 2016, 21:45

My condolences to the LRR crew and everyone who knew him; he was an integral part of loadingreadyrun and an all-around great guy with a true stomach of iron. Rest in peace.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Lorithad » 19 Jan 2016, 21:58

I had a chance to meet Bill years ago at Anime Evolution. Chatted with him after LRR's panel. I told him that the videos he played a roll in were some of my all time favorites, and that I appreciated all the effort he had put into LRR.

I will remember him fondly every time I look at his signature on my computer side panel.

My condolences to his friends, and most especially to his family. The world is a less amazing place without Bill in it.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Sieg Reyu » 19 Jan 2016, 23:08

I find it amusing the servers are struggling right now. Maybe it's collapsing under the weight of every one coming in to find out what happened and share their condolences, but I like to think the website is mourning our large friend as well.

All Bill ever had to do to make me smile was just be. He could just be in the background of a video and something about him just makes you want to smile. I loved him best when he played opposite Morgan and I'll always remember the ultimate irony the year he crashed the bus during Don't Stop Me Now.

I've been watching Loading Ready Run for nearly a decade now, ever since How To Talk Like a Pirate, and I remember when he made his depature from the sketches. I, like many others, clamored for his return, or at least a reason for his absence. We were told he had left to fight ninjas, and I, like I assume many others, wondered what 'ninjas' was code for. And then I fondly remember his return to sketches, to actually fight ninjas.

I remember a few years back, during Desert Bus 7 I believe, Bill's Mom let it slip as to why Bill wasn't around that year. I had an inkling that something was wrong, as earlier that year Morgan had made a group on Facebook to crowdsource things to make Bill feel better. My contribution was a bead sprite of Ryu fishing from Breath of Fire 4. I don't know if it ever made it to him, but I hope it made him smile at least once.

My father died in early 2001 from a brain tumor he had suffered from since as far back as I have memories of him. In the summer of 2013, my grandfather on my father's side died from Pancreatic Cancer. I fell in to a sort of existential crisis believing that I would die young and my life would be meaningless. When Kate broke the news it took me a bit to deal with, it was very odd to come to terms with some one who is almost literally larger than life dying. Like finding out that Bugs Bunny has cancer. But it helped me realize something. Life isn't about dying. Here I was, despondent over some imagined death sentence, meanwhile Bill was dealing with an actual one. And what does he do with what little time he had been dealt? He helped people. He helped make Desert Bus. Desert Bus has raised, as of DB9, over 3 million dollars. Jamie disclosed this year, that it takes, on average, seven dollars to make sure a kid in a hospital or shelter is fully equipped.

428,571 kids.

He may have only lived to be 32, but that averages out to 36 kids per day of his life that were helped because of him. No, it wasn't all him, it was all of us, but without him it wouldn't be any of us. 36 people a day is a number I'm not likely to ever be able to match but I strive to help at least one because of him. He truly is my hero and I'm gonna miss the fuck out of him

I've got my Desert Bus 9 poster up beside my monitor, right at eye level is Frank Socrates. horrible facsimile that he is, he still manages to make me smile. Next to it is my Desert Bus 6 poster with him at the top with angel wings. He's earned them.

Rest well big guy, you did good.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Jamfalcon » 19 Jan 2016, 23:26

Well said, Sieg. That post hit me the hardest this has so far, and one point stood out:

Sieg Reyu wrote:He helped people. He helped make Desert Bus. Desert Bus has raised, as of DB9, over 3 million dollars. Jamie disclosed this year, that it takes, on average, seven dollars to make sure a kid in a hospital or shelter is fully equipped.

428,571 kids.

That's insane and awesome. And I guess this means that come November, we're going to be bringing back #HalfAMilForBill.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Sieg Reyu » 19 Jan 2016, 23:30

No no, this is Desert Bus 10. Go big or go home. AMilForBill

I know I'll be putting aside some money in advance.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Fenrir » 19 Jan 2016, 23:32

Really don't know what to say to this....

My condolences to all the LRR crew but especially to Kate Watt.
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Re: Bill.

Postby Jamfalcon » 19 Jan 2016, 23:37

Sieg Reyu wrote:No no, this is Desert Bus 10. Go big or go home. AMilForBill

I know I'll be putting aside some money in advance.

I actually meant that in reference to the fact that we'll all but certainly reach the unbelievable milestone of 500,000 children helped. For sure though, it would be a perfect tribute if we could hit that big number for the big guy.
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Re: Bill.

Postby TinyGhostOfEmilyCarr » 19 Jan 2016, 23:43

No goodbyes, just good memories.
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Re: Bill.

Postby auberginequeen » 19 Jan 2016, 23:45


I have no words. Only sadness.

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