PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Antitonic » 30 Oct 2016, 00:45

So the majority results are in:

*The most popular time for the meetup at Bangpop is Friday at 7pm-ish. The runner-up was Sunday midday.
*The most popular time for the Conspiracy draft is Saturday at midday. The runner-up was Friday midday.
*The most popular time for Commander is Saturday afternoon. The runner-up was Friday afternoon.

I think the winning times make sense, looking at it. Meetup on Friday for dinner. Magic all on Saturday. Sunday, free and clear. Does that seem good with everyone?
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby JackSlack » 30 Oct 2016, 12:59

I'm so glad this is all still happening. :) I'm sad I won't be there (especially with Graham and Kathleen being there!) but I'm beyond delighted that the traditional LRRfan Bangpop get-together is still happening.
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Antitonic » 30 Oct 2016, 17:25

Would you believe that for SOME reason, Bangpop had trouble fitting in a large group this weekend? So it's Friday at 8pm under "LRR" instead.
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Nargimeg » 01 Nov 2016, 16:10

I have been lurking for a few years now, but am coming out of the shadows. I will be attending PAXAUS and the meet-up, but this will be my first PAX, so I may need some help locating people and places. In addition, this marks the beginning of a year (alone) in Australia. If any Australian runner wants to help a very shy fellow runner find their way in this country, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I arrived in Australia today, and am realizing I may have bit off a little too much. Between the time being nearly opposite of the US, driving on the opposite side of the road, being in cities 500 - 1000 times the size of the town I came from, and not having a working phone, I am finding it overwhelming.

I currently have no plans after PAX, so my schedule could accommodate, both in time and place, any generous runner willing to help. In the likely event that multiple people wish to assist, I will make a list, so I know where I can find a fellow runner in my travels. If you want to contact me, you can PM me on the forums, or send me an e-mail. My e-mail address is my forum name
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby tlotig » 02 Nov 2016, 20:23

Hey does anyone know where the booth will be?
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby MattAn » 03 Nov 2016, 05:50

Booth's in Bandland, as with all PAXeseseses. :D

Also, welp! Guess I won't be at the Bangpop thing. Considering I fly out of Perth at 7:45pm AWST (Friday) and get into Melbourne at, like.. 2:20am AEDT (Saturday). Also I don't Magics. Oh well~!

EDIT: I just rechecked the schedule after watching NewGamePlus's MTG Chat with G&K, and.. Turns out Kathleen's on another panel at that same time as the meetup (Friday 8pm).. Wouldn't this splinter things somewhat..?
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby azninsect » 03 Nov 2016, 23:44

Just saw this and the time change. I'll be there :D look forward to meeting peeps :D
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Yoshi_Gal » 04 Nov 2016, 00:15

So how many people are we expecting tonight?
I don't have a lot of friends, just my fans. And they are all I need.
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Antitonic » 04 Nov 2016, 01:05

Judging by the survey, 25. In the waiting outside, I'm less optimistic...
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Phailhammer » 04 Nov 2016, 01:28

Sorry, gf and I had to ditch after the Jackbox panel; we weren't feeling great.
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Antitonic » 04 Nov 2016, 17:09

Conspiracy draft is looking for people in Tabletop
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Dr.Susse » 04 Nov 2016, 20:47

Hey dudes.
I'm asming tour all going to the panel tonight.
Any plans for a meet up before hand and line up together?

I for one owe antitonic a beer.
Sorry mate.
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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby Omega Lairon » 08 Nov 2016, 00:54

My personal retrospective of PAX Aus 2016: (I'll keep it short for reasons which will become clear later)

* Obviously, G/K/P being there at all was always going to be incredible, and man, they did *not* disappoint. The Jackbox panel was hilarious, and their personal panel the next day was like one of those "best of" episodes of your favourite TV show. A definite treat.

* The "pin mules" really pulled through this year! With a minimal amount of fuss a troubles, we were able to secure 2 (mostly) complete PAX Aus pin sets to donate to LRR. Some of those special events ones are always going to be a pain in the ass to nail down though (Alienwaaaaaare! *fist shake*), but I feel like we did a great job regardless. Looking forward to helping out with this initiative again next year... maybe even *BETTER* ^_^

* I didn't get out to a huge amount of different panels, but what I did see covered a great range of interesting and thoughtful content. It's always a good time when you can simultaneously be entertained and also get some insights into aspects of our nerdy culture which you might not always consider.

* The reason I didn't get to so many panels - there were so many to choose from! Always felt like there was never a dull moment. And even if there was a dull moment, taking a second to stop and breathe away from it all is always appreciated... even if it *is* only crappy Melb'n :roll: . *shrug* Oh well, they can't all be winners : p

* Gotta love the traditional "event pricing" markup. I guess it's a bit of a necessary evil, and with better planning you can absolutely avoid getting gouged too badly... but really, it coulda been worse. And some of the food was actually pretty great - seemed like a real step up from last year.

* Not going to sugar coat it... we (in general) really suck at planning. And/or possibly I really suck at planning (mental note, maybe look into this "tweeter" thing at some point eventually)... the important note is that somewhere along the line, the Australian runners collectively dropped the friggin' ball. So it was a little disappointing that we missed out on enjoying some of the events that were tentatively planned. Upshot - I get a sweet unopened box of Conspiracy to do with whatever my sick little heart desires.

But look, honestly... yeah, we coulda done better on that front, but a nonzero amount of ball-dropping was directly on my hands. Sorry guys : (

* I got pox'd and had to sit out of day 3 : (

* And we'd already booked in for an 11 hour train ride back to Sydney the day after the convention

* And the train was delayed along the way so it was even longer than necessary

* And I bought too much and my luggage was really heavy

So yeah. Definitely more sweet than bitter though, all things considered. Good times had by most. Thoughts for next year... we're almost certainly going to bring some kind of official sign, so that passing runners, specifically forumites, will locate each other *much* faster / at all. And... I mean, not to harp on a point, but let's all try (life permitting, of course) to get our plans in early and stick to them! Go team! Melbn sucks! : p

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Re: PAX Aus 2016 - The EnPAXenning

Postby RobRacoon » 19 Apr 2017, 03:41

So here I am, six months later...

It was INCREDIBLY AMAZING to meet so many other LRR fans in line for the "Whole Two Of Us" panel on the Saturday evening!
Had I remembered there was a forum that I could have posted on before and leading up to the date I would have mentioned that I was an enforcer, specifically on the Line Entertainment team and I made sure I was available to be there for that line and talk to as many other LRR fans as I could, it warmed my heart how large that line got and affirmed with me that I was not alone in being an Aussie LRR fan.

Every single person I got to talk to was a delight, asking them their first LRR experience, whether it'd been Desert Bus, Strip Search, Friday Nights or even Man Cooking showed up once or twice, let alone folk who watch the streams, it further cemented the "Welcome Home" attitude and moniker of PAX, and I would like to thank you all for that, not just Graham and Kathleen, who were awesome enough to have a chat when we crossed paths as they were entering the show and I was moving inbetween places (PS, thank you SO much Kathleen for reminding that me AUS is only 3 days while West is 4, you don't realise how much better that made me feel).

In summation, thank you all. Looking forward to October.

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