Autumnal Rumble 2k18???

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Autumnal Rumble 2k18???

Postby Lacynth40 » 14 Nov 2017, 17:49

We did 2k16, and 2k17. Did I miss the Autumnal Rumble 2k18? I want to see the return of Agatha Fisty, the One-Punch Gran, to the ring.
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Re: Autumnal Rumble 2k18???

Postby AdmiralMemo » 15 Nov 2017, 10:27

The plan was to do it after Desert Bus.
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Re: Autumnal Rumble 2k18???

Postby Phailhammer » 21 Nov 2017, 17:03

Graham has said it was taking him longer than anticipated to put together the roster, so that's why it didn't happen when the last one did. That said, as Memo said, I believe it is coming.
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