Phailhaüs - 14

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Phailhaüs - 14

Postby Graham » 14 Aug 2008, 11:14

Nate Mosher be all up ons the Phail everybody!
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Postby Master Gunner » 14 Aug 2008, 11:41

The Phail is great in this one.

Much awesomeness, yay for the return of Ask Kathleen, and good to see Nathan in a Phailhaus.
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Postby Emperor Gum » 14 Aug 2008, 11:45

Graham wrote:all up ons

"All up ons"? I don't even know what that means.

Anyways, this was probably my favorite one yet, using a variety of people definitely works; they seem to be getting progressively better. Also this one felt a little different, I'm not sure if that's Kathleen's editing or what...I don't know.
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Postby The Jester » 14 Aug 2008, 11:49

It is awesome to have a new source of Phail-y goodness. I don't know who Nate is, but hurrah! anyway.
In the recent past they have tended to be longer, so I was slightly disapointed - guys, you've spoilt us and now I'm having withdrawals...
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Postby DicyDax » 14 Aug 2008, 11:56

Who the fuck is Nate Mosher? also; not interlaced.
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Postby James » 14 Aug 2008, 11:59

DicyDax wrote:Who the fuck is Nate Mosher? also; not interlaced.

Such tact you have good sir/maddam

He is a friend of ours. His name is Nate.
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Postby masamune » 14 Aug 2008, 12:09

pack it up, pack it in, let me begin.
whilst being bummed out after staying up for the new pure pwnage ep (which still hasn't uploaded), my rss feed shone a little ray of phail and i am very grateful. thanks for making my potentially wasted night a whole lot better.

p.s. kathleen, your weightloss is remarkable. well done. i await the DVD and recipe book.
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Postby Graham » 14 Aug 2008, 12:11

DicyDax wrote:Who the fuck is Nate Mosher? also; not interlaced.

1) Nate has been in a bunch of our videos.
2) Stop being an idiot, that was unnecessarily rude.
3) It is supposed to be not interlaced, and you need to stop bringing that up (even, "I'm doing it in dark blue and being all cute about it")

You're quickly turning into a troll.
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Postby Metcarfre » 14 Aug 2008, 12:15

Another great serving of phail, guys. Matt's interlude was priceless.
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Postby Misty » 14 Aug 2008, 12:24

The presence of Nate makes me unbelievably happy! I'ma go watch some Idiot Room episodes now...

Matt's random auctioneering, then Graham shutting the door in his face, made me lol hard.
Way to phail, gang :)
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Postby King Kool » 14 Aug 2008, 12:37

This one seems to begin with a single frame from an earlier one...

Otherwise, this one's very good. Go Nathan.
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Postby King Kool » 14 Aug 2008, 12:38

Also, barely in defense of Dicy, I think that was supposed to be a Kevin Smith reference, since he looks something like Jason Lee.
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Postby Red Charlie » 14 Aug 2008, 12:42

Graham wrote:
DicyDax wrote:Who the fuck is Nate Mosher? also; not interlaced.

1) Nate has been in a bunch of our videos.
2) Stop being an idiot, that was unnecessarily rude.
3) It is supposed to be not interlaced, and you need to stop bringing that up (even, "I'm doing it in dark blue and being all cute about it")

You're quickly turning into a troll.

Graham they DicyDax claims to be 14, I would suggest that they probably don't care if they come across as a troll.

On the topic of ze phailhaus.
Haha Matt.
Yay Nate.
You do deliberately don't you Kathleen.
Huzzah Graham!
It was really too big:

I give you this instead

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Postby huddlehouseninja » 14 Aug 2008, 12:52

Fan fuckin' tastic guys!! Made my day to come back from a rousing gameof Rock Band to see a new Phail!! Matt is soo funny!!

*sigh* I love you guys..

BTW Graham, My lesbian sister thinks you're just too cute.
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Postby AmazingPjotrMan » 14 Aug 2008, 12:55

Sometimes Nathan comes off as Texan...ish. At least I think so.
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Postby Kathleen » 14 Aug 2008, 13:03

King Kool wrote:This one seems to begin with a single frame from an earlier one...

Otherwise, this one's very good. Go Nathan.

I'm not sure if that's possible. This was the first episode edited only on my computer, which until last night, had no phail phrames on it.
Unless it was in something Graham sent me.

Re: different feeling -
Editing can have a surprising contribution to the whole feel of a video, even something as straight foward as a phailhaus. Where I would cut, or linger is probably different than where Graham would. Overall, neat! I have an editorial voice.

Re: length -
I cut this one down a lot - it was 7.5 mintues before I started, but I assure you, most of the stuff I cut wasn't the pure phail gold you guys are used to seeing.
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Postby Smallpoxxer » 14 Aug 2008, 13:07

You guys are so mean. You don't even acknowledge the existance of matt in the video. Good job. Please continue to alienate your friends for our entertainment. :D Also, keep an eye out for my incoming Pic of the Day. I only need to remember my camera when i go to work.
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Postby Dudette » 14 Aug 2008, 13:25

Kathleen really needs to put weight back on. Her head looks huge.
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Postby Graham » 14 Aug 2008, 13:34

Dudette wrote:Her head looks huge.

Perhaps she's just leaning into the camera?
In person, it really doesn't. I don't even think it does on the video, but hey.
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Postby Yukikaze » 14 Aug 2008, 13:36

Obeisance. Memories of Darker Than Black.

Be glad your Obeisance doesn't involve cutting your fingertips off.
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Postby Metcarfre » 14 Aug 2008, 13:40

@ Graham; what is the obeisance reference to old films about?
Also, I guess Matt wasn't into the credits this time due to being suspended?
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Postby Graham » 14 Aug 2008, 13:44

metcarfre wrote:@ Graham; what is the obeisance reference to old films about?
Also, I guess Matt wasn't into the credits this time due to being suspended?

I like to use the Word of the Day in a definition completely seperated from even the part of speech that word is from.
In olden days, they would rub Vaseline on the camera's lens to make love scenes more... "glowy".
Examples from random googling.

I fixed Matt's lack of credit.
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Postby King Kool » 14 Aug 2008, 13:46

Here's a screencap:


It appears right after the logo disappears for one frame. It's more richly colored than the rest of the vid.

I swear I'm not making this up just to be a douche-cushion. Maybe that was the last frame from the last Phailhaus tape (though I thought you captured it directly to the HD).

But it is there. I swear on the fact that Mummy 3 was terrible.
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Postby Frozengale » 14 Aug 2008, 13:54

OMG Nate just scared the tar out of me when he was saying "Wait Wait Wait" off camera. The volume was low in the movie so I turned my headphones up really high so I could hear and when he said it I couldn't see anyone talking on screen and it sounded like someone was shouting at me from behind.

I remember hearing bout the guy who kept calling the police for the Subway thing. Stupid people...are stupid.

Thnx for the Phail you guys
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Postby Metcarfre » 14 Aug 2008, 13:56

Thanks for the reply, Graham.
Man, there's good customer service here!

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