Do all packs sent to you go in the Crack a pack Box?

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Do all packs sent to you go in the Crack a pack Box?

Postby loreson » 02 Jun 2018, 10:49

I'm currently thinking about sending you a box worth of homelands, because I just like to see you suffer.
Could I expect to see all the packs in crack a pack, or would it be a waste of money?
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Re: Do all packs sent to you go in the Crack a pack Box?

Postby AdmiralMemo » 06 Jul 2018, 05:09

I'd say yes and no. Yes in that if you give a pack or a few, yes. They'll crack it or put it in a Chaos Draft. If you give them a whole box, likely not. They might do a Friday Night Paper Fight of a draft, though.
Graham wrote:The point is: Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I'm an old man.
LRRcast wrote:Paul: That does not answer that question at all.
James: Who cares about that question? That's a good answer.

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Re: Do all packs sent to you go in the Crack a pack Box?

Postby Graham » 30 Jul 2018, 23:21

They all go in the Crack-a-Pack box, but sometimes we'll build a chaos draft from the box.
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Re: Do all packs sent to you go in the Crack a pack Box?

Postby AdmiralMemo » 01 Aug 2018, 06:38

I just want to say that I love those drafts and want to see more. Also, y'all should weed through them at a faster pace, if I understand correctly from TTC that you now have TWO full boxes?
Graham wrote:The point is: Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I'm an old man.
LRRcast wrote:Paul: That does not answer that question at all.
James: Who cares about that question? That's a good answer.

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Re: Do all packs sent to you go in the Crack a pack Box?

Postby tamaness » 02 Aug 2018, 01:12

I have a five-row box of packs I've considered shipping to you..... close to 400 packs total.

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