A rather puerile Qwerpline sponsor idea

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A rather puerile Qwerpline sponsor idea

Postby Paviel » 30 Jun 2017, 18:43

I saw something like this in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which isn't considered particularly adult (as it got a PG rating in the US); otherwise I'd be too shy to post it here.

The logo: A young woman wearing a kilt and a blouse, carrying a Sousaphone that has its "mouthpiece" hidden behind her back rather than leading up to her mouth.

The sponsor: Sassy Lass Cass's Ass Brass

"The famous trumpeter from 'ASS: The Musical' brings you an innovative range of brass instruments designed for anal performance."

"Sassy Lass Cass's Ass Brass. Break wind with class!"

(Not suitable to play during Mass.)
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And there was much rejoicing.

Postby VileTerror » 21 Jul 2017, 17:41

Sounds like a good idea, Paviel. Here's hoping the LRR crew see this.
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Re: A rather puerile Qwerpline sponsor idea

Postby Paviel » 23 Jul 2017, 11:41

It seems pretty unlikely that Beej would use it, to be honest, since as far as I know he didn't come up with anything like it himself. But as far as I'm concerned, it's in the public domain.

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