Graham, Cameron and Alex take your topic suggestions from Twitter on[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Wheeler sit down to take a look at all the spicy[…]
Kathleen welcomes Sean McGuire to the podcast this week to talk about[…]
Graham, Kathleen, Nelson, and Beej(??) report on their trip to MagicCon[…]
Join Graham, Kathleen, James and Alex this week as they chat about the[…]
Cameron and Serge went to the Ixalan PreRelease and are here to share[…]
Wheeler and Nelson sit down to chat about their initial impressions of[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson begin their journey all the way back in[…]
We asked for your questions, and now Graham, Wheeler, and Nelson are[…]
Graham and Wheeler (and sometimes the voice of James) sit down to[…]
After a few false starts and sifting through thousands of suggestions,[…]
Join Graham, Paul, and Cameron on this weeks TTC for another[…]
This week on TapTapConcede Graham, Nelson, and Cameron take a look at[…]
Ben and Cameron are in the hot seat this week to discuss the recent PT[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Nelson round up all the latest news! New card[…]
Graham, Cameron and Kathleen chat about the ongoing Amonkhet Sealed[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson talk about M19 Limited, and take a look at[…]
Graham and Nelson wrap up their discussion of the links between Theros[…]
The Sword of ______ and ______ cycle is complete! Graham, Wheeler, and[…]
Graham, Kathleen, Alex and Cameron are here this week to discuss all[…]
How well do Graham and Cameron know Magic’s eldest format? Let’s[…]
Graham and Nelson crack several packs of WAR and discuss the new[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron sit down to chat about their time at[…]
Shadows Over Innistrad spoiler season continues! Join Alex, Graham and[…]
It's finally that time! The Dragons of Tarkir nicknames podcast. Bring[…]
Join Cameron and Alex this week on TTC as they brew with brand new[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson are back to talk about all the latest[…]
Graham, Kathleen, and Cameron discuss Lost Caverns limited and the new[…]
Graham, James and Alex take a look at more Conspiracy! Specifically the[…]