Graham, Nelson, and Cameron crack a Convention Mystery Booster, give[…]
With the upcoming release of Masters 25 we thought we'd take a few[…]
James sits down with Cameron and Adam to answer your questions. Be sure[…]
Join James, Adam, Ben, and Nelson from the comforts of their homes on[…]
This week on TapTapConcede Graham, Nelson & Kathleen sit down to[…]
Cam, Kathleen and Graham answer your questions and talk about[…]
This week on TapTapConcede Cameron puts Wheeler and Nelson to the test[…]
Lore time! Graham and Kathleen are joined by Michelle Rapp to explore[…]
It’s episode 250 and we’re celebrating the only way we know how.[…]
Alex and Cameron join you this week on TapTapConcede to talk about Combo.
The crew talks about their favourite Born of the Gods spoilers thus far.
Fresh off their 3-3 record at GP Portland, Graham, James, and Jeremy[…]
In advance of Modern Masters 2015, we're cracking some packs that are[…]
Graham, Cameron and Kathleen are here this week to give you all those[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson answer some of your questions about the new[…]
It's time once again to answer your questions. We asked you on Twitter[…]
Turns out there are other formats beyond Limited, Commander, and[…]
Graham, Nelson, and Cameron talk about the million dollar Mythic[…]
Graham, Cameron, and Nelson talk about what they’re looking forward[…]
Wizards of the Coast gave us an absolute treasure trove of information[…]
We have a lot of unopened packs of Magic cards. Like A LOT! It's time[…]
Jeremy and Graham give their reports on GPVan, both the main event,[…]
In what will certainly be the first of a few conversations about their[…]
Join Cameron, Ian and Alex as they do their best to work through our[…]
Serge joins TTC for an impromptu crack-a-pack triple threat, and[…]
Cameron, Graham and James talk about their decks and matches from weeks[…]
Kathleen, Nelson, and Cameron sit down on this weeks episode of[…]
On this very special episode of TapTapConcede, Cameron and Nelson talk[…]
The crew talks about their favourite cards from the upcoming Commander[…]
Kathleen, Cameron and Alex dive into the world of Amonkhet taking a[…]