The newest instalment in the Murdercide saga will shake you to your damp core.
Shooting: graham stark, james turner
Boom: kathleen De vere, james turner, brendan "beej" dery
Writing: graham stark, kathleen de vere, cameron lauder, alex steacy, brendan "beej" dery
Appearing: kathleen de vere, james turner, paul saunders, graham stark, alex steacy, jeremy petter, missie peters
Graphics: Graham stark
Editing: Graham stark

LoadingReadyRun is our flagship sketch comedy series. Launched in 2003 we've produced a new, original short every week without fail. With a different style each week, there's hopefully something for everyone.

Pie Fall || LoadingReadyLIVE Ep107
This LoadingReadyLive its the season... the season for Pie and cults and trying to figure out[…]