James and Graham go full Avengers with this cube draft. Planeswalker team go!
Appearing: graham stark, james turner

Magic: The Gathering is a game we're all big fans of, and as much as video games, it's become a part of our lives. As with most things we love, our outlet is video content.

Theros Beyond Death - First Impressions
Brought to you by Wizards of the Coast. After the Theros Beyond Death PPR, Graham sits down with[…]

Magic | Friday Nights - The Meal
Something is going on with Ben, he's playing Simic Food? What madness has gripped him? Cam,[…]

Magic | Friday Nights - Tooth Fairy Tales
Ben has his wisdom teeth removed and James ends up helping him sleep afterwards by telling him[…]

Throne of Eldraine Rules with Nelson & Serge
By popular request -- a version of the pre-prerelease rules video suitable for showing at your own[…]

Throne of Eldraine - First Impressions
Brought to you by Wizards of the Coast. After the Throne of Eldraine PPR, Graham sits down with[…]