Still no spiders, but plenty of hats, PLUS we got olive oil and another tiny ship!
Support LRR:
If you'd like to send us something (with *no* promises that it appears on Mail Time) the address is:
Bionic Trousers Media Inc.
PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main
Victoria, BC
V8W 3R8

Friendly folks keep sending us cool stuff, so we need some place to open it all and show it to you.

Double-Mast || Mail Time
Back by popular demand! This Mail Time was edited where nuts are present. This Mail Time was[…]

So Many Bears || Mail Time
Absolute panda-monium. This mail time was originally recorded in April 2023.

Guy Fieri's Frosted Tips || Mail Time
That which a rose brand card by any other name would pass on wishes as sweet. This mail time was[…]

Quantum Uncertainty || Mail Time
A rather in-form-ative one. This mail time was originally recorded in April 2023.

Customs Opened Our Coffee || Mail Time
It’s your stuff. We just open it. Then it’s our stuff. This mail time was originally recorded[…]

International Date Line || Mail Time
It’s your stuff. We just open it. Then it’s our stuff. This mail time was originally recorded[…]