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June 07, 2019

North 100 Ep70 - Modern Horizons: Black, Red & Green

The North 100 crew returns to discuss more cards from the Modern[…]


June 06, 2019

The Panalysts S2E03 - Historical Piss Ninjas

Good news, you're a world champion. What you are the best at... is the[…]


June 04, 2019

North 100 Ep69 - Modern Horizons: White & Blue

The North 100 crew gets together to talk about the White and Blue cards[…]


June 03, 2019

TTC 269 Crack-a-Pack June 2019

Kathleen and special PPR guests Michael Majors (@MichaelJMajors),[…]


May 30, 2019

The Panalysts S2E02 - Every Baby is a Horcrux

Amazon sent you some weird stuff and Molly Lewis wants to know what[…]


May 29, 2019

Dice Friends - After the Flood Ep3

The party explores a brand new city and then has dinner with a friend.[…]


May 27, 2019

TTC 268 - War of the Spark Nicknames

Graham, Cameron, and Nelson are here with your suggestions for WAR[…]


May 24, 2019

North 100 Ep68 - Spring Season Reflection

The North 100 Crew discuss the Spring Highlander League. What decisions[…]


May 23, 2019

The Panalysts S2E01 - Hickory Smoked Horse Buttholes

Our new quizzical overlord Molly Lewis asks the panel a most intimate[…]


May 22, 2019

Dice Friends - After the Flood Ep2

Questions are asked, answers are given, but this only results in more[…]


May 20, 2019

TTC 267 - State of Arena

Graham, Ben, and Nelson give their thoughts on the ups and downs of the[…]


May 15, 2019

Dice Friends - After the Flood Ep1

Four heroes wake up with no memories in the ruins of a fallen empire.[…]


May 13, 2019

TTC 266 - April 2019 Q&A

James, Cameron and Kathleen answer your Twitter questions this week on[…]


May 06, 2019

Dice Friends - After the Flood Promo

A new Dice Friends Campaign is on the way! Starting May 13th, 2019.[…]


May 06, 2019

TTC 265 - WAR Initial Impressions

Graham and Nelson crack several packs of WAR and discuss the new[…]


May 03, 2019

North 100 Ep67 - WAR Set Review Part 2

The North 100 crew shares their thoughts on viewer submissions, green,[…]


April 29, 2019

TTC 264 - War of the Spark PreRelease Recap

This week join Serge, Ben and Cameron as they discuss their adventures[…]


April 27, 2019

Countdown to Infinity Ep23 - Avengers Endgame

After 11 years, 22 movies and creating a podcast devoted to it, we have[…]


April 26, 2019

North 100 Ep66 - WAR Set Review Part 1

The North 100 crew shares their thoughts on the upcoming War of the[…]


April 24, 2019

Countdown to Infinity Ep22 - Infinity War Rewatch (Endgame Hype)

With just a few days before Endgame arrives, James and Matt sit down to[…]


April 22, 2019

TTC 263 - Crack-a-pack April 2019

Graham and Kathleen are joined by PPR guests Adam Koebel and Denis[…]


April 18, 2019

sWs Ep43 - Wrestlemania 2019

Buckle up! Graham & Adam are HERE... to cover the showcase of[…]


April 15, 2019

TTC 262 - War of the Spark Previews Part 2

Kathleen, Cameron and Nelson sit down and take a look at all the newest[…]


April 08, 2019

TTC 261 - War of the Spark Previews Part 1

Graham, Ben and Nelson sit down and take a look at all the fresh War of[…]


April 07, 2019

sWs Ep42 - Wrestlemania Primer 2019

Graham and Adam run down the Wrestlemania 2019 card and get you up to[…]


April 05, 2019

North 100 Ep65 - Let's Talk About Planeswalkers

Ben, Jer, and Serge sit down to chat about Planeswalkers in Highlander.[…]


April 01, 2019

TTC 260 - Oathbreakers

Ben, Cameron, and Nelson follow up on Serge’s Friday night paper[…]


March 25, 2019

TTC 259 - CamLander

On this very special episode of TapTapConcede, Cameron and Nelson talk[…]


March 22, 2019

North 100 Ep64 - Let's Talk About Mulligans

The North 100 crew talks about optimizing your deck for the Sorenson[…]


March 21, 2019

Dice Friends - Bylaw & Order - After Campaign Table Talk

Kathleen, Cameron, Ian, Ben, and Serge spend some moments after the[…]

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