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September 13, 2015

Qwerpline Ep02 - Damnable Dams

The second episode of Qwerpline! Catch up on all the news, traffic, and[…]


September 10, 2015

LRRcast - Who Needs a Topic

Paul, Ian and Graham go into this weeks LRRcast with no topic and see[…]


September 07, 2015

TTC 100 - PAX Prime 2015 Recap

James, Graham, and Cameron give you the rundown on the Magic[…]


August 31, 2015

Fight the Future 12 - Catching Fire

It's the Hunger Games, All Star Edition! Where the opponents are[…]


August 30, 2015

Qwerpline Ep01 - Pot Hole Mystery

The first episode of Qwerpline! The most popular radio show on QWRP FM[…]


August 26, 2015

TTC 99 - Crack-A-Pack Fest 2

Join Graham, Paul, and Cameron on this weeks TTC for another[…]


August 26, 2015

LRRcast - Sketch vs.Crapshot

It's a full cast on this weeks LRRcast. Join Paul, James, Graham, and[…]


August 25, 2015

Magnum Rewatch 25 - Mad Buck Gibson

Magnum is tasked with babysitting the infuriatingly childish Mad Buck[…]


August 25, 2015

Correctors Commentary - Sunshine

Join Cameron and Mia as they go in depth with Danny Boyle's 2007 film,[…]


August 23, 2015

TTC 98 - Magic Origins Nicknames

This week on TTC join Alex, Cam, and Graham as they venture into the[…]


August 23, 2015

LRRcast - Where we thought we'd be

Are you where you thought you'd be 10 years ago? How about 20? Join[…]


August 18, 2015

Magnum Rewatch 24 - Wave Goodbye

When Magnum's friend Kacy is murdered, he'll stop at nothing to solve[…]


August 17, 2015

Fight the Future 11 - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

The world is covered in deadly mould forests filled with giant[…]


August 15, 2015

LRRcast - The Shelf

This week on the LRRcast Graham and Paul discuss where all that stuff[…]


August 11, 2015

Magnum Rewatch 23 - Tropical Madness

Higgins comes down with a case of romance induced tropical madness, and[…]


August 08, 2015

TTC 97 - PT Vancouver Recap

On this weeks TTC join Cam, Graham and James as they recap their[…]


August 08, 2015

LRRcast - The Return of AskLRR Part 2

AskLRR makes it return this week with Beej, Heather, Paul and Ian[…]


August 03, 2015

Fight the Future 10 - Little Brother

This time Dan and Paul and guest Dustin cover our world, as depicted in[…]


July 28, 2015

TTC 96 - Origins Crack-a-Box

Why just crack packs when you can use them to play a whole bunch of[…]


July 25, 2015

LRRcast - Alberta Origins

Join Beej, Heather, Cori and Ian as the delve into their origin[…]


July 24, 2015

Magnum Rewatch 22 - Memories Are Forever

A ghost from Magnum's past suddenly reappears, Kathleen talks[…]


July 20, 2015

Fight the Future 09 - The Maze Runner

Mazes are fun on long car rides! But not so much when you're trapped in[…]


July 19, 2015

TTC 95 - Mailbag

This week James, Graham and Kathleen answer your Twitter questions.[…]


July 15, 2015

LRRcast - Summer Anime Recap

Beej, Heather, Cori and Ian are back to talk about this seasons[…]


July 11, 2015

TTC 94 - Origins Prerelease

James, Cam and Serge talk about their experience at the Origins[…]


July 11, 2015

LRRcast - Fan Interactions

Paul, Alex and Cam tell their favourite stories about meeting fans and[…]


July 06, 2015

Fight the Future 08 - A Boy And His Dog

It was a key influence on Mad Max and the Fallout series, but this 1975[…]


July 04, 2015

TTC 93 - Origins Preview

This week on TTC join James, Alex and Cam as they discuss the changes[…]


July 04, 2015

LRRcast - Kathleen Trivia (June 2015)

The 2v2 continues for this months Kathleen Trivia. James and Cam return[…]


June 29, 2015

TTC 92 - Origins Planeswalkers

Dan Emmons [Formerly of WoTC R&D] joins Graham, James and Cam on this[…]

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