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March 22, 2014

TTC - James' Cube

The crew looks at your card designs and James talk about his new cube.


March 15, 2014

TTC - Behind the Friday Nights

The LRR crew talks about Friday Nights


March 07, 2014

LRRcast for 2014-03-01

It's LRRcast time! Cam, Kathleen, Paul and Graham answer your askLRR[…]


March 07, 2014

TTC - Mailbag

The LRR crew answers your Magic questions from Twitter!


February 21, 2014

TTC - BNG Impressions & Storytime

Graham & James are joined by Alex & Serge for discussion of BNG[…]


February 15, 2014

TTC - BNG Crack Some Packs

James and Graham have been abandoned with a bunch of BNG boosters, so[…]


February 09, 2014

LRRcast for 2014-02-07

The crew fills you in on BroWatch2014 and answers your questions!


February 07, 2014

TTC - Grand Prix Vancouver

Jeremy and Graham give their reports on GPVan, both the main event,[…]


January 30, 2014

TTC - Born of the Gods Impressions

Now that the full set is out, the LRR crew goes through some cards that[…]


January 23, 2014

TTC - BNG Spoilers Round 1

The crew talks about their favourite Born of the Gods spoilers thus far.


January 19, 2014

LRRcast for 2014-01-17

The crew answers all your burning questions! A lot of questions about[…]


January 15, 2014

TTC - Highlander & Theros & You

Our friends Alex and Serge return to tell us more stories about their[…]


January 10, 2014

TTC - Catching Up

TapTap is BackBack, and we've got some catching up to do now that it's[…]


January 05, 2014

LRRcast for 2014-01-03

The crew is back with a brief explanation of their plans for 2014!


November 14, 2013

TTC - Theorizing Mill

The crew cracks a pack of Saviors of Kamigawa, ponders the chances of a[…]


November 11, 2013

LRRcast for 2013-11-08

The crew talks about Murdercide, The Bodypaint Problem and answers your[…]


November 06, 2013

TTC - Constructed with Cam & Alex

Cam and Alex join Paul to talk about formats other than Theros limited.


October 19, 2013

LRRcast for 2013-10-18

The crew talks about Enlightenment Gear and answer a butt-ton of your[…]


October 18, 2013

TTC - Theros Impressions

Graham, Kathleen, Cam, and Alex discuss their early impressions of[…]


October 13, 2013

LRRcast for 2013-10-12

Graham & Paul are back, but Beej & Alex are sticking around for this[…]


October 05, 2013

LRRcast for 2013-10-05

Cam, Beej, Jer and Alex step in this week to give you a break from the[…]


October 02, 2013

TTC - Theros Flavour & Origins

Graham walks you through some of the myths and legends behind the cards[…]


September 21, 2013

TTC - Theros Overview

The crew cracks a pack of Portal and looks over the new (and old)[…]


September 15, 2013

TTC - Crack a PAX

We crack a bunch of packs we were given at PAX Prime this year,[…]


September 08, 2013

LRRcast for 2013-09-07

Graham & Paul (with special guest Beej) play catchup on LRRcasts with[…]


August 27, 2013

LRRcast for 2013-08-17

Cameron and Beej join Paul and Kathleen on this week's LRRcast.


August 17, 2013

TTC - GP Calgary

Join Graham, Kathleen, Paul and Cam as they talk about their experience[…]


August 08, 2013

LRRcast for 2013-08-02

Old-school with Graham and Paul this week, and they talk recent videos[…]


July 24, 2013

TTC - M14 Prerelease

Graham talks about his M14 prerelease, and the crew cracks a pack of OH[…]


July 20, 2013

TTC - Lady Planeswalkers Society

Our good friend Missie P joins us to talk about the Lady Planeswalker[…]

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