Ash-Bullets & Wow-Butter
If you're allergic to peanut butter or want to be a bullet, we've got you covered.
MTGO CC Day 4 - Standard
The Community Team may hold a strong lead going into the final day, but Wizards could still take it. If[…]
The Secret Life of Board Games
It's not just when your back is turned either, this is happening right in front of you!
Live Birth Webcast
There are some things that should not be on the internet, and yet, still are.
The Ultimate Scrolldown
Confused over the Mojang vs Bethesda silliness? This week's CheckPoint won't help.
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT1
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT2
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT3
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
Uncharted Charted
Uncharted may not be the greatest game ever. I know, saying that hurts, but CheckPoint is here to help you[…]
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT4
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
OTR - Elomin Sha Clubs Alex
When fan Elomin Sha came to visit, he had two presents for Alex. One was less-well received.
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT5
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT6
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
Call of Juarez: The Cartel - Part 2
Team Action Minority assembles to mishandle witness protection.
Battlefail 3
Battlefield 3? More like Battlefail 3. Connection problems drive Graham over the edge in this week's[…]
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT7
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
Just let the scene wash over you. It's the only way G&P survived this one
Hollywood is scared and afraid that someone might know how to do their job better than they do.
Bad Cops & Strong Pops
If you've ever wondered if your grandpa could be stronger, the answer is yes.
Errant Teeth and Corpse Eviction
Count your blessings because in Spain they're dealing with a corpse housing crisis.
The Tale of Matt Wiggins
What happens at Desert Bus evidently gets fully realized a week later.
Suspiciously Good Movers
When you need something moved in a little less time than it probably ought to take...
Acts of Ville-ainy
Zynga makes moves to separate you from your money in ways that don't involve game-based micro-transactions.
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT8
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
Bears: On Cans & In Scotland
This week the news is plagued by a series of bears where they shouldn't be.
Formal Complaint
When you've got a complaint of this magnitude, a bakery seems like a good a place as any to take it.
Game for Fashion
The fashion world is like a rickety construction of wood, stone and glass, rocked by an Angry Bird dress.
Rats & Cats & Dead Moms
If you're going to write up the obituary, maybe check that they're all the way dead.
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT9
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]
GPLP - Dante's Inferno PT10
Graham and Paul are joined by Brad for a journey through Dante's Inferno, checking it against the source[…]