Crapshots Ep02 - The Solution
Miscommunication has spoiled many a piece of otherwise sound advice.
Crapshots Ep03 - The Demonstration
This delectable item is available for half price on Tuesdays. Limit 1 per customer.
Crapshots Ep04 - The Experiment
Sometimes you actually should to listen to what your parents told you.
Crapshots Ep18 - The Mission III
Viewmaster has since discontinued its range of tactical optics.
Crapshots Ep20 - The Gaming
You need to unlock the "Neurosurgical Sniper" perk in order to accomplish a pineal gland shot.
Crapshots Ep29 - The Watching
Television will rot your brain and kill your family, but not necessarily in that order.
Crapshots Ep35 - The Interrogation
Despite being banned in the Geneva convention, use of Xylene among PMCs is shockingly unregulated.
Crapshots Ep45 - The Grinder
The expansion "Clickquest: 10 Points Higher" ships fourth quarter this year.
Crapshots Ep55 - The Reference
It is also inadvisable to mention you similarity to "a boss" around him.
Crapshots Ep60 - The Pack
The one thing you don't bring is guaranteed to be the one you wish you had the most.