Loading Time - Ways to Avoid Surveillance
Go behind the scenes of Ways to Avoid Surveillance, to follow one sketch troupe's quest for astroturf.
Loading Time - Punchr
When you need a fake KickStarter video for a fake app? this is how to do it. Behind the scenes of Punchr.
Loading Time - Self Driving Car
Behind the scenes of Google's Self Driving Car Original video here:[…]
Loading Time - Female Characters
Behind the scenes of the sketch about those weird creatures you call women.
Loading Time - Whole Story Football
When we keep forgetting critical gear, we have to amuse ourselves. This isn't so much about shooting the[…]
Loading Time - Design by Committee
Behind the scenes of Design by Committee, where bought many toasters.
Loading Time - Doctors Hate Her
A super long Loading Time for a super complex shoot! It's behind the scenes of Doctors Hate Her!
Loading Time - Streaming Office
Behind the renovation of the shipping office into the home of LoadingReadyLive!
Loading Time - Ways to Get Video Ideas
Behind the scenes of our recent X2Y video, Ways to Get Video Ideas.
Loading Time - The New Old Thing
It's everything but the penny farthing, and a deep look at Graham's old floppy disks. Behind the scenes of[…]
Loading Time - The File [cH]
Behind the pants-less scenes of commodoreHUSTLE episode, The File.
Loading Time - The New Chess
Behind the scenes of The New Chess. There's more going on than you might think for a green screen video![…]
Loading Time - The Warriors Return
Behind the scenes of The Warriors Return, featuring everyone's favourite demi-demons, the Warriors of[…]
Loading Time - Bitcoin Conspiracy
Behing the scenes of the first sketch we shot for Season 11!
Loading Time - Ways to Waste the KS Money
Behind the many varied scenes of our first Season 11 sketch.
Loading Time - Twenty-Thirteen
Graham and Jer go back into the booth for 64K's comeback, Twenty-Thirteen!
Loading Time - Pokeproblem
Behind the scenes of the Pokemon extravaganza, Pokeproblem! Sunkern!
Loading Time - Murdercide
Behind the scenes of the LRR Halloween special, the trailer for Murdercide!
Loading Time - Badly Broken
Behind the scenes of Badly Broken, featuring a complete lack of meth and/or actual BB spoilers.
Loading Time - PAX Prime 2013
The sights and sounds of LRR at PAX Prime 2013. Thanks to everyone who came by to say hi!
Loading Time - Xannathor
Behind the dog-ridden scenes of Xannathor. Don't forget, the H is silent.
Loading Time - Open and Shut
Behind the scenes of the wide-open relationship from Open and Shut.
Loading Time - The Canadian
Behind the patriotic, and overly-warm, scenes of "The Canadian". Watch it here:[…]
Loading Time - PlaceholderURL
Behind the scenes of PlaceholderURL.com, featuring Alex's GoPro experimenting.
Loading Time - League of Beer
Behind the scenes of the commodoreHUSTLE episode Homebrew Hobby.
Loading Time - X Ways to Fridge
A brief behind-the-scenes look at Ways to Make Money, and then, the dark tale of LRR's fridge... watch if[…]
Loading Time - Terrible Choice
On a rooftop, in the city... behind the scenes of Meatfist's Terrible Choice.
Loading Time - Calgary Comic Expo 2013
James, Matt, Paul, and our friend Dammit Liz head to Calgary for CCEE 2013.
Loading Time - Blue's Crimes
From location to green screen, behind the scenes of The Thin Blue Clue.
Loading Time - Crime Pays
Behind the scenes of an ATM crime wave, we look at the recent sketch Crime Pays.
Loading Time - Yes Man
Behind the scenes of the planning and filming of LRR sketch, "Yes Man".
Loading Time - PAX East 2013
A little look into some of what we did at PAX East this year. Don't forget to check out our other panel[…]
Loading Time - The Whole Story, Pants
Behind the smoothly-walking scenes of the steadicam-shot The Whole Story: Pants.
Loading Time - Frank Miller's SimCity
A special, extra-long Loading Time looks at the evolution of the sketch "Frank Miller's SimCity."
Loading Time - That's No Moon
Behind the scenes of the chilly, late-night shoot for That's No Moon
Loading Time - Harlem Shake
Behind the scenes of our commodoreHUSTLE attempt at a meme. Or is it me-me?
Loading Time - How to Valentines
Behind the scenes of our Valentine's Day themed X ways to Y video. Now with bonus guerrilla filming at a[…]
Loading Time - The Spoils
Behind the scenes of our Gatecrash spoiler video, and upgrading our fancy new computer. Just a slice of[…]
Loading Time - Junk in the Trunk
Behind, inside, and under the scenes of our sketch: Junk in the Trunk.